Discussing Church 15
Their website says we’ll find “a laid-back, coffeehouse atmosphere” with “an unconventional setting where a blend of people, of all ages, from all walks of life, can gather and feel at home.”
This is my kind of church. It’s an outlier church in a mainline denomination.
Consider these four discussion questions about Church #15:
1. Weather permitting, the service will be outdoors. I’m excited for a chance to worship in nature, but I’m disappointed I won’t experience their typical service.
Regular attendees may appreciate a special service, but how does this impact visitors?
2. We arrive and see no hint of an outdoor service. We later learn that based on today’s forecast for ninety-three degrees, they decided to meet inside.
How well does your church deal with last-minute changes?
3. The service starts with a video. It’s an allegory that shows the importance of churches maintaining their original purpose: focusing outward and avoiding the snare of self-centeredness or adopting an inward preoccupation.
How can your church better maintain an outward focus?
4. Next is a time for healing prayer, another first on our journey, and a most welcome one.
Does your church offer healing prayer for people in need? Do you?
[See the prior set of questions, the next set, or start at the beginning.]
Get your copy of 52 Churches and The 52 Churches Workbook today, available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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