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Mother’s Day, Ascension Sunday, & Baby Dedications

Mothers Day, Ascension Sunday, and baby dedications

This nontypical, nondenominational church enjoys a good amount of positive local buzz. Today is Mother’s Day. I’m apprehensive because visiting a church on a holiday never provides a typical experience.

Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 64.

1. Two young women at the entrance to the parking lot smile and wave as we pull in. What a nice greeting.

What can we do at our church to help make a great first impression on others as they arrive?

2. Inside the facility I spot a lady wearing a T-shirt that suggests she’s a greeter. Her broad smile beckons me. I ask for directions, and she’s most helpful.

When people look at us, do we appear approachable or repelling? 

3. With in-the-round seating, the worship team faces each other to get cues from their leader. Those closest have their backs to us. Though disconcerting, it’s less like a performance and more worshipful.

How can we remember church isn’t a concert?

4. Today’s also Ascension Sunday. With the focus on mothers, singing about Jesus’s resurrection is the closest we’ll get to acknowledging his ascension.

What does Jesus’s return to heaven mean? How can we better celebrate his ascension?

5. They conduct several baby dedications, striking a nice balance between the ceremony and celebrating the child, without dragging it into a too-long ritual.

While parents take the lead in raising their kids, how can we better support their efforts? 

6. The minister wraps up with an altar call of sorts, but he drones on, and I soon tune him out.

How can we keep our worship fresh and avoid the rut of repetition in our church services?

7. A big church, they offer excellent teaching and music, with many programs and service opportunities, but they struggle providing community and connection. I leave spiritually full and emotionally hungry.

How can we help people leave church spiritually and emotionally filled?

This large church held baby dedications on this Mother’s Day and Ascension Sunday. They offered much, except for connection.

[Read about Church 64 or start at the beginning of our journey.]

If you feel it’s time to move from the sidelines and get into the game, The More Than 52 Churches Workbook provides the plan to get you there.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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