Discussing Church 6
This small country church didn’t come up in our online research, but we have driven past it. All we know is their name and service time.
Consider these four discussion questions about Church #6:
1. A wheelchair ramp suggests the way inside, but we’re surprised when it doesn’t lead to the main entrance. The small side door looks tightly shut. We retrace our steps in frustration.
How can you direct guests to the right entrance?
2. Once inside, a lady hands us a bulletin and visitor card. The card is important to them. Three more people will offer us one before we leave.
How does your church gather information about visitors? How can you do it better?
3. After a few songs, there’s an extended greeting time, but we’re boxed in and can’t move. Given our lack of mobility, we can do nothing but smile awkwardly.
If your church has a mid-service greeting, what can you do to make it a positive experience for everyone?
4. Many people invite us to stay afterward for refreshments. This is an extended time of community and celebration. They’re happy to linger in one another’s company.
How can you best embrace people in your after-church fellowship?
This quintessential country church had a homey feel from caring, sincere people. Yet it also had some weak areas that need addressing, just like all churches.
[See the prior set of questions, the next set, or start at the beginning.]
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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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