Discussing Church 19
With no website and a phone line that doesn’t work, we assume this church, listed only in a computer-compiled online directory, either no longer exists or never did.
The church sign in front of their building is the only reason we know the service time.
Consider these four discussion questions about Church #19:
1. When we arrive, a greeter welcomes us, but she’s surprised to see two new people.
Are visitors the norm at your church or an exception? What needs to change?
2. At times their service seems evangelical and other times mainline, with hints of Charismatic. It’s an ideal blend.
How can your church service better focus on Jesus instead of promoting a subset of Christianity or a denomination?
3. In the most insightful communion invitation I’ve ever heard, the pastor affirms that all who are in relationship with God are free to participate, regardless of church status or affiliation.
How inclusive and accepting are your church’s practices?
4. Their mission is to help people on their faith journey, connecting them with other churches that match their needs and preferences. It’s okay if they happen to pick up members along the way, but it’s not their intent.
What are your church’s growth goals?
[See the prior set of questions, the next set, or start at the beginning.]
Get your copy of 52 Churches and The 52 Churches Workbook today, available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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