Peter DeHaan News

A Year in Review: Top Ten Posts for 2016

Check Out Our Readers’ Favorite Posts for the Past Year Another year has come and gone, and with it another year of blogging at “Pursuing Biblical God,” with over 100 new posts about God, the Bible, his church, and us. Here are the ten most popular posts in 2016: Some posts are “evergreen” content, meaning […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Uses a Third Person Omniscient Point of View

Knowing the Writing Style of the Bible Will Help Us Avoid Confusion When We Read It Since my days as a teenager, I’ve spent time most every day to read and study the Bible. I’m also a writer who writes every day. I like to share what I’ve learned about both subjects. Here goes: I […]

Christian Living

Read the Bible as Literature

Studying Scripture Teaches Us about Classic Literature and Inform Our Literary Perspective My post “13 Reasons Why I Love the Bible” started out as a top ten list, but I couldn’t stop at a round number. I kept going and couldn’t pare my list down to just ten reasons. And if I had kept thinking […]

Christian Living

How Do You Affect Others?

We have an effect on everyone we meet. We can touch them in a positive way and leave them better off for whatever time we spend with them, or our interactions can have a negative impact and produce the opposite results. This might be at the store, how we drive, with our neighbors, during work, […]

Christian Living

Why Do I Write on Sunday?

Be Intentional with Your Sunday Activities Part of how I follow Jesus is to treat Sunday as different from other days. I spend time with other followers of him, both at church and apart from church. I worship him, hopefully in spirit and in truth. I don’t work or do very little work, not with […]

Peter DeHaan News

If You Have a Message to Share, You Need to Speak Up

Last weekend I attended the Speak Up Conference in Grand Rapids Michigan. Speak Up is a two and a half day educational and networking opportunity for Christian speakers and writers. As a bonus, it was also a spiritual experience. In addition to making new friends and reconnecting with existing ones (some of whom regularly read […]

Christian Living

I Am a Writer and Much More

Who Are You? I started writing as a teenager. As an adult, many of my jobs involved writing, but I never thought of myself as a writer. Writing was something I did, not who I was. That changed about five years ago when I realized writing was an ongoing thread in my life. I had […]

Christian Living

What Does Your Bucket List Say About You?

Identify What Is Important to You The 2007 movie Bucket List followed two terminally-ill men facing the end of their lives. They each listed things they wanted to do before they “kicked the bucket” (died), which they called their “bucket list.” Then they set out to do as many of those things as possible. This […]

Christian Living

Is Writing Art?

As a Word Artist, I Create Art with My Words I’ve never called myself an artist, in large part because I think I’m one of the most uncreative persons on the planet. I’m good at building on the work of others and adept at making something that flows from logic or order, but when it […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Wins Halo Magazine Writing Contest

Author Shares His Story and Spiritual Journey in Christian Publication Mattawan, Michigan, January 15, 2014—Peter DeHaan is the first place winner of Halo Magazine’s first annual writing contest. DeHaan’s winning submission, “How I Found Jesus,” appeared in a recent issue. “I’m honored to have won first place in Halo Magazine’s annual writing contest,” said author […]