Visiting Churches

Church Discipline

The sprawling facility provides an impressive view from a distance. Their larger, new building suggests a thriving, dynamic community. But our experience there does not align this this, but the teaching about church discipline really connects with me. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #46:  1. Yet no one responds to Candy’s phone messages […]

Visiting Churches

A Familiar Place

We attended this church years ago. This won’t be a visit as much as a reunion. It’s a familiar place. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #44:  1. The building is twenty-five years old and well-maintained. Too many church buildings show neglect, repelling people instead of inviting them.  What are some low-cost ways you […]

Visiting Churches

A Refreshing Church Service

The church meets in a middle school’s all-purpose room. Large portable signs direct us to the entrance. We enjoy a refreshing church service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #38:  1. People mill about: talking, sipping coffee, or munching snacks. They represent all age groups, with many kids.  Younger people are the future of […]

Christian Living

What is Church?

The Church of Jesus Needs to Focus on Three Things and Master Them All In our normal usage, church is a building, a place we go to—often on Sunday mornings. I’ll be there later today. Other definitions for church include a religious service, organized religion, and professional clergy. Yet a more correct understanding is that […]

Christian Living

Bear Fruit

We Must Consider What Our Life Produces The word fruit appears nearly two hundred times throughout Scripture. Coupling the word fruit with the word bear, as in bear fruit, bears fruit, and bearing fruit occurs twenty-nine times, split between the Old and New Testaments. Jesus often talks about the fruit that people bear, with the […]

Christian Living

Work Out Your Salvation

Consider Your Response to Receiving the Greatest Gift Anyone Could Ever Get Paul tells the church of Philippi to work out your salvation (Philippians 2:12). He doesn’t say to work for your salvation. They’ve already received eternal life as a free gift through God’s goodness (his grace), and there’s nothing they need to do to […]

Visiting Churches

Misdirected and Frustrated

Discussing Church 30 When Candy asked about the service time, the pastor confirmed what their website said: 10 a.m. When we arrive, they tell us to sit anywhere. After fifty agonizing minutes, they say, “Thanks for coming. The service will start in about ten minutes.” They used the old bait and switch tactic on us. […]

Visiting Churches

A Laity Led Service

Discussing Church 29 As we pull into the church parking lot, we realize our daughter attended preschool here, many years ago. What we don’t know is that we will experience a laity led service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #29: 1. We amble in and one woman approaches us and mutters to herself, […]

Visiting Churches

An Intriguing Liturgical Church

Discussing Church 28 We learn of this church when we spot their name in a local paper’s church directory. Still, we struggle to confirm their meeting time. We expect to experience a liturgical church service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #28: 1. We walk inside and a lady shares some basic information about […]

Visiting Churches

A Charismatic Experience

Discussing Church 27 This charismatic church meets in an old, run-down building, originally built for shared-tenant use. It looks abandoned and forms our first impression. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #27: 1. With a half dozen equally accessible doors, we don’t know which one to use. Regular attendees know which entrance to head […]