Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Anna

Anna is widowed after only seven years of marriage. A devout woman, she dedicates her life to God, spending as much time as possible in the temple fasting, praying, and worshiping him. Anna is at least eighty-four years old when Mary and Joseph show up to consecrate Jesus. First, she recognizes him as the savior […]

Christian Living

Embracing Liturgical Services

May Our Sunday Morning Practices Point Us to God I’ve been hearing of people opting for traditional churches with more formal, liturgical services. They desire to move away from the seeker sensitive services they grew up with. They don’t want to go to a performance every Sunday. They want to worship God in a reserved, […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 23

Praise and Worship Today’s passage: Revelation 11:15–19 Focus verse: And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God. (Revelation 11:16) With the second woe complete, the seventh angel sounds his trumpet. Whereas the first six trumpet blasts bring forth immediate death and destruction to the earth, […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 18

Silence from the Seventh Seal Today’s passage: Revelation 8:1–5  Focus verse: When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (Revelation 8:1) Finally, Jesus breaks the seventh and final seal of Father God’s scroll. At the opening of each of the first six seals, something immediately happened in John’s […]

Bible Insights

A Godly Appreciation of Nature

I enjoy nature and worship God through it, so a verse in Romans gives me pause. It talks about the error of worshiping created things instead of the Creator. I feel that I can worship God through my appreciation of nature, that I can better appreciate the intangible through the tangible. Yet this verse seems […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 12

Praising God as Worthy Today’s passage: Revelation 4:9–11 Focus verse: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power.” (Revelation 4:11) The four living creatures have affirmed God as holy, holy, holy. The twenty-four elders are there too. What are they doing as the four living creatures chant their praise? […]

Visiting Churches

Easter Worship Celebration

Churches Move and Things Change We started visiting fifty-two churches the Sunday after Easter. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus at our home church and then slipped away for a year, visiting a different Christian church every Sunday for a year. At least that’s the quick way to explain our journey. We doubled up on […]

Christian Living

Do You Worship a Modern-Day Idol?

We Must Protect Ourselves from Greed and Materialism, Worshipping God Instead The Bible talks a lot about idolatry, of idols and worshipping them. Both the Old and New Testaments address this, warning against wrong worship and telling us we must put God first. As followers of Jesus, we would never worship idols today. Or do […]

Visiting Churches

Still Sparsely Attended

Where Two or Three are Gathered A church that popped up during our initial online search for nearby houses of worship was Church #21. We’d never heard of them, and no one we talked to knew anything about them. We vacillated whether we should visit, and when we had trouble finding their location on Sunday […]

Christian Living

When Will You Retire?

God Created Us to Work, So Don’t Stop I’ve worked from home since 2000. That’s a long time, and I doubt I could ever return to a more typical workplace environment. Through most of this time, neighbors would ask if I had retired. (How old did they think I was, anyway?) I’d smile and tell […]