Christian Living

What’s the One Thing That Matters Most?

The List of Faith Essentials Is Short, a List of Only One Item Two thousand years ago the religious leaders, called Pharisees, heap a bunch of manmade requirements on the backs of the people so they can be right with God. Some scholars place the number at over 22,000 regulations, far more than the 613 […]

Bible Insights

What Do People Remember About You?

Faith, Hope, and Love When Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica he professes three things he recalls about them. He remembers them and their characteristics before God, presumably as he prays, offering thanksgiving to God for their lives and the examples they provide. Three things stand out as the testimony of the Thessalonian church, […]

Bible Insights

3 Goals for All Christians and 2 Outcomes

The Church in Thessalonica Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica. 3 Goals He tells them to do three things. I think we should all follow his instructions. Paul teaches them, and us, that: 2 Outcomes Then Paul shares two reasons for doing these things, the two expected results. When we do as he instructed: […]

Christian Living

Why Can’t Christians Get Along With Each Other?

It’s a shocking stat, but there are 42,000 Christian denominations in the world! Yes, the church that Jesus started is currently divided into 42,000 factions. Notice I didn’t say Jesus’ churches (plural), but Jesus’ church (singular). How do I know Jesus intended there to be only one church? Quite simply because he prayed we would […]