Bible Insights

Recurring Words from Proverbs

There are several words that appear with disproportionate frequency in the book of Proverbs—and with minimal representation in the rest of the Bible. They are: Plus, there are some additional words that appear with surprising regularity in Proverbs: In upcoming posts, we will look at each of these words. [The 1984 NIV version of the […]

Bible Insights

A Biblical Screenplay

Song of Songs is commonly categorized as wisdom literature in the Bible. With the possible exception of Job, it is not like the other wisdom books, nor like any other book in the Bible. It is easy to imagine Song of Songs as being the lines to a play that King Solomon wrote to both […]

Bible Insights

There’s More to Discover in the Bible

Check out these books of the Bible, which are not found in all versions, but are in others, such as The Jerusalem Bible: Tobit Tobit is a story of Tobiah who journeys with Raphael to retrieve some money for his father (Tobit). Along the way he is attacked by a fish and gets married; when […]