Bible Insights

The Wisdom of Solomon

A Wise Guy God told King Solomon to ask for anything and it would be given to him (2 Chronicles 1:7-12). (I think this is the closest thing we see in the Bible to God granting wishes like a genie.) As a wise guy, he chose carefully. Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. And God […]

Bible Insights

What Is Wisdom?

Are You a Wise Guy? Do you possess wisdom? Are you wise? A wise guy? According to the dictionary, wisdom is “The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight; common sense; good judgment.” Now consider what James writes about wisdom. He writes “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first […]

Bible Insights

Seek Wise Counsel and Then Follow It

Choose Advisors with Care When king Solomon dies, his son Rehoboam assumes the throne over all of Israel, following his father, Solomon, and grandfather David. A delegation comes to him and asks him to lighten their load, to decrease the burden placed on them by his father. Rehoboam doesn’t answer them right away. Instead, he […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Personifies Wisdom

What the Bible Teaches About Wisdom May Shock Us The book of Proverbs talks a lot about wisdom. The word pops up in fifty-five versus in this thirty-one-chapter book. That’s a lot of wisdom. This may be the reason why many think of Proverbs as a book of wisdom. As Solomon and his co-writers compile […]

Bible Insights

Fear is the Beginning of Wisdom

In my last post I noted that the Bible says we are to fear God—and I confessed confusion over precisely what that means. The next step in my progression of thought is to recall that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and of understanding. I think that means it’s okay I don’t […]

Bible Insights

More Proverbs from King Solomon

We Can Learn From the Many Wise Sayings in the Bible We consider the book of Proverbs as being a collection of wise sayings from King Solomon. This is mostly correct. However, it also includes proverbs from other people. The book opens with Solomon giving instructions to his son. Then the king adds some more […]

Bible Insights

If You Could Ask God for One Thing, What Would It Be?

Solomon Asks God for Wisdom to Lead Well and God Grants It God appears to Solomon and offers to grant him a request. This isn’t a genie-in-a-bottle situation; it’s the all-powerful God showing his love and appreciation. Solomon makes a wise decision. He asks for wisdom and knowledge to lead the people well. Not Money […]

Bible Insights

The Book of Numbers Shows Us a Wise Step to Follow

Throughout the Bible We See Examples We Can Apply in Our World Today As we move toward the end of the book of Numbers, we see God allocating Canaan—the Promised Land—to the twelve tribes of Israel. First, God gives Moses the western, northern, eastern, and southern borders of the nation. Then he indicates which tribes […]

Bible Insights

Following the Good and Straight Path

If “wisdom” is the theme of Proverbs, then “path” may be the context. There are good paths and evil paths, straight paths and crooked paths. There are the paths of the righteous and paths of the wicked. For those who are wise and make good decisions, there is the right path, the path of life, […]

Bible Insights

Seeking Wisdom is Imperative and Accessible

Among all the reoccurring words in Proverbs, it is “wisdom” that is the most prominent—mentioned 54 times. Wisdom, in fact, is the central theme of the book, effectively summarizing its focus and purpose. The dictionary defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight; common sense; good judgment.” […]