When people call me during the winter months, they often ask about the weather. These queries are usually about the snowfall, but sometimes, temperature. I suspect that these questioners are hoping that my winter weather is worse than theirs—and most of the time, it is. Living east of Lake Michigan, our weather is greatly influenced […]
Tag: weather
Snowplow vs the US Mail

Last fall, the USPS notified me that my once acceptably positioned mailbox was no longer acceptable. It needed to be moved closer to the road so that I could reliably receive mail during the snowy winter months. I determined that it was in my best interest to acquiesce to their “request” and reposition my mailbox […]
Winter is Here—Where are You?

Today officially marks the first day of winter, but to me it’s been “winter” for a month and a half—with about three more months to go! On my list of favorite seasons, winter comes in fourth. Currently, we are in the midst of another winter storm, with temperatures in the low single digits and wind chills […]
Leaves Be Gone!

Most of my leaves have finally fallen from my maple trees, making quite a covering in my yard. Today the leaf removal service came and took them all away! It’s nice to see green grass again (until it snows). Thank you, God, for the amazing variety of the changing seasons and the wonderful nature you created.
The Last Yard Work for the Season

For the past week, we have enjoyed some unseasonably warm weather, with temperatures in the high sixties to mid seventies. Last Saturday I mowed my lawn for the last time this season. If you’re thinking that this is rather late for Michigan, you’re right. The grass really hasn’t grown much in the past few weeks, but […]
Where do toads come from?
Where do toads come from? I pondered that question during Ike’s massive deluge as I peered out my basement egress window into the window well. (The water was draining away nicely—thank you.) Sitting there as happy as could be were two toads. Being different size and color, I assume that they were not related, yet they both […]
It Melted!

I mentioned that, from my perspective, the ideal winter was for it to snow on Christmas Eve and melt the day after New Year’s Day. In an uncharacteristically Michigan-winter manner, I got my wish! (At least so far.) After about 12 inches of snow over New Year’s weekend, the temperatures began to rise, eventually shooting up to […]
Let It Snow!

Over the holidays, friends from southern California made a surprise visit. Although my buddy grew up in Michigan, complete with it’s snowy winters, his bride and their three sons are California-raised. As such, snow is a greatly hoped for occurrence during any Christmas-time visit. This year did not disappoint. With only mild embarrassment they admitted to becoming […]