Christian Living

Why We Need Diversity in Our Churches

Diversity Is Not Disunity Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said the most segregated hour in the United States occurs on Sunday morning. Based on my experience in visiting more than 52 churches his assessment is still painfully true. We need more diversity in our churches. I long to attend a diverse church, one with racial […]

Christian Living

Interfaith Dialogue

A Good Thing Versus a Slippery Slope That Threatens Our Faith’s Essence I’m a huge advocate of Christian unity and an equally huge opponent of denominations. After all, denominations are the antithesis of unity. Think about it. Virtually all denominations resulted from disunity: of disagreements over things that didn’t really matter, of not getting along […]

Christian Living

What Does Christian Unity Mean To You?

Let’s All Get Along Why can’t we all get along? Living in peace and harmony are lofty goals that most everyone agrees with. Aside from wacko militants, no one says, “I want to live in constant conflict with my neighbor and quarrel with those around me.” No one seeks to start a fight with others, […]

Christian Living

Thoughts on Issues of Race

Are We the Same or Different? I’m so excited to guest post on a friend’s blog—and I hope you’ll find it worth your time to read it! (To make it easier, I’ll try to keep things short.) It won’t take long for you to notice that my writing style is different from Grace’s. She writes […]

Christian Living

Why Can’t Christians Get Along With Each Other?

It’s a shocking stat, but there are 42,000 Christian denominations in the world! Yes, the church that Jesus started is currently divided into 42,000 factions. Notice I didn’t say Jesus’ churches (plural), but Jesus’ church (singular). How do I know Jesus intended there to be only one church? Quite simply because he prayed we would […]

Bible Insights

We Often Criticize What We Don’t Understand

Once Jesus drove a demon out of a man. The man had been mute, but when the evil spirit was exorcized, he began speaking. The people should have been in awe of the power Jesus displayed. They were not. Instead they chose to be critical. Some questioned the source of his power and others insisted […]

Bible Insights

The Connection Between Unity and Language

It is interesting how the Old Testament of the Bible is often in contrast with the New Testament. For example, in the story about the tower of Babel, God confuses the people’s languages and since they can no longer communicate, they scatter. He did this because they were working together; their goal was so that […]

Christian Living

A Failure to Understand the Book of Jude?

I’m doing a series of posts about the short and often overlooked book of Jude. Jude’s letter is a warning, almost a rant, about ungodly people who are in the church. Among their sordid characteristics, Jude says that they “speak abusively against whatever they do not understand.” That seems to be an accurate description of […]