Christian Living

Tithe Your Time

Consider Giving Ten Percent of Your Time Some churches talk a lot about tithing, of the need for us to give them ten percent of our income. In addition, I’ve heard a sermon or two about applying this ten percent guideline to volunteering at church, to tithe your time. It’s an interesting concept that we […]

Bible Insights

To Everything There Is a Season

Psalm 180 from Beyond Psalm 150 The book of Ecclesiastes shares Solomon’s personal journey of trying to find meaning and purpose in his life. It’s a dismal saga, discouraging and void of hope. Early on Solomon shares a pessimistic view about the seasons of life. He opens acknowledging there’s a time to be born and […]

Christian Living

Why I Write about the Bible in Present Tense

Embrace Scripture as Present, Available, and Relevant In most of my books and a lot of my blog posts I write about the Bible in present tense. This is an intentional effort to remind us that the Bible is not only an ancient text but also one that’s present, available, and relevant to us today. […]

Bible Insights

What’s a Thousand Years to God?

Time Is Different in the Spiritual Realm Than in the Physical Though King David wrote many psalms, the book of Psalms also includes the work of others. One of these writers is Moses. Yes, Moses wrote a psalm, Psalm 90. It may be the oldest of them all, the first Psalm ever written in the […]

Christian Living

The Art of Giving to God

By Giving to God We Demonstrate Our Love to Him Jesus says to give “to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s,” Luke 20:25, NIV. While the context of this relates to paying taxes, the ramifications go beyond money. The Roman government, in general, and its ruler (Caesar), specifically, have an array […]

Christian Living

Our Time-Crunched Society

Does it Really Matter What Time it Is? When I was young, my grandmother promised to buy me a watch when I learned to tell time. With Mom’s help, I did learn, but I wasn’t fast. Not content to give approximate times, I’d carefully count the dots between the major divisions and announce the exact […]