Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 40: Peace to You

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:13–14 Focus verse: Peace to you. (3 John 1:14) John ends his first letter with an abrupt instruction to keep away from idols. In contrast, he wraps up his next two letters with a smoother, more intimate farewell. To both recipients he expresses his desire to see them in person and tell them […]

Bible Insights

What Does the Bible Say About Easter?

Read What Scripture Says about Jesus’s Resurrection Happy Easter! And Happy Resurrection Day! Today is the time when we remember—and celebrate—Jesus overcoming death and rising from the dead. Each gospel account of Jesus in the Bible tells us about Easter: Matthew The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 38: Thomas Believes

Today’s passage: John 20:19–31 Focus verse: Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28) The Bible writes that faith is having confidence in the things we hope for and assurance in what we don’t see (Hebrews 11:1). Today this definition of faith applies to us. We cannot see Jesus, so we must […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 25: Jesus Is the Way

Today’s passage: John 14:1–14 Focus verse: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) Jesus has but a few hours left on earth. He wants to make the most of every moment. The teacher gives last-minute instructions to his disciples, trying to encourage them, which they’ll need in the […]

Bible Insights

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

The Source of Life, Truth, and the Way to Father God Is Through Jesus The disciple Thomas wants to go where Jesus will go but doesn’t know how to proceed. He seeks clarification. Jesus gives him a five part answer, which another disciple John records for us. Jesus says, “I am the way and the […]

Christian Living

How to Deal with the Faith Versus Doubt Problem

Struggling with Doubt Isn’t a Sin, But We Must Avoid Letting Doubt Squash Our Faith I once listened as a friend wrestled with the issue of faith versus doubt. She groaned in anguish over her struggle to believe with full faith, dismayed over the arrows of doubt that assaulted her. I blurted out, “Faith without […]