Visiting Churches

An Unknown Situation

Discussing Church 26 A friend tells us about a new African American church. Once again, we’ll be minorities at church. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #26:  1. We arrive ten minutes early and find only four people. At ten o’clock there’s just nine. A few more trickle in. Eventually the service begins.  Is […]

Visiting Churches

Does Your Church Use Nametags?

Discussing Church 25 The website of this church shows captivating photos of their worship team, implying high energy and an edgy sound. Consider these four discussion questions for Church #25:  1. Everyone wears an adhesive nametag, and we make our own nametags. At some churches members wear permanent nametags and guests use temporary ones, which […]

Visiting Churches

A Good but Atypical Church Service

Discussing Church 24 This church resulted when three dying congregations merged a quarter century ago, but with a worship team of teens brought in, today isn’t a normal gathering. I suspect it’s a more atypical church service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #24:  1. Most of the congregation are senior citizens, with few […]

Visiting Churches

The Minister’s Last Day, but They’ll Be Fine

Discussing Church 23 Last Sunday was their minister’s last day. Other area clergy have high respect for him. I wish I could have met him. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #23:  1. Today ends their summer schedule with one contemporary service. Next week they’ll switch to their winter format with two services: one […]

Visiting Churches

A Caring Community

Discussing Church 22 This church meets in a newer, contemporary building. It’s most inviting. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #22: 1. Many people introduce themselves. Their genuine interest, without being pushy, refreshes me. They ask our names, which they repeat with care. When they share theirs, they pause, giving us time to hear […]

Visiting Churches

A New Kind of Church

Discussing Church 21 Most of this church’s ministry happens on Saturday. The Sunday service is for those they meet during their Wednesday evening street ministry. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #21:  1. We turn to Hebrews 6, but as the pastor begins her message, the Holy Spirit sends her to Ephesians 4. We […]

Visiting Churches

Mandarin Worship Service: Different Language, Same God

Discussing Church 20 This week is another doubleheader, but with a twist. First is a Mandarin worship service and English Sunday school, followed by an English worship service and Mandarin Sunday school. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #20:  1. We email to ask if non-Chinese are welcome. We are. Some non-Chinese attend the […]

Visiting Churches

A Near Miss If Not for Their Church Sign

Discussing Church 19 With no website and a phone line that doesn’t work, we assume this church, listed only in a computer-compiled online directory, either no longer exists or never did. The church sign in front of their building is the only reason we know the service time. Consider these four discussion questions about Church […]

Visiting Churches

Revisiting Roman Catholicism

Discussing Church 18 Today we visit our second Roman Catholic Church. I’m excited—and nervous. We are revisiting Roman Catholicism. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #18: 1. The large sanctuary is grand without being ostentatious. Contemporary and airy, it seats several hundred. It’s the largest we’ve seen so far.  Does your building facilitate worship […]

Visiting Churches

A Church Doubleheader

Discussing Church 17 This church has a contemporary service followed by a traditional one. It’s a church doubleheader. We’ll go to both. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #17: 1. Their idea of contemporary is vastly different from mine, with this service being one of the more reserved ones we’ve attended.  If you state […]