Christian Living Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Psalms in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer

By Patricia M Robertson, D.Min Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Take a fresh look at the Psalms. Some people love the Psalms and other struggle through them. Regardless of which camp you’re in, this book will provide added clarity. In The Psalms in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer, Patricia M Robertson, D.Min, applies the suggestion […]

Visiting Churches

Be Thankful (Visiting Church #33)

We only recently learned of today’s congregation, discovering them in a printed directory of churches. Their rural location seems further removed from us than our 8.8 mile drive. Their scripture for today is Habakkuk 3:17-19. Verse 17 recaps the dire conditions of the day, with a transition occurring in verse 18 when the prophet proclaims, […]

Personal Posts

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m thankful for family, friends, and faith. I’m thankful for food, clothing, and shelter. Everything else is a bonus—and I’m thankful for that too! May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Personal Posts

It’s That Time of Year…to Make Your Annual Budget

With Thanksgiving behind me and Christmas cheer beckoning me forward, it’s hard to think about the new year and the task of making an annual budget. You do have an annual budget, don’t you? I do—and I encourage you to use one, too. Although I’m an organized person with a penchant for planning, I don’t […]

Bible Insights

We Need To Pray For Those In Power Over Us

The Bible reminds us to pray for those in authority, which includes our politicians In Paul’s first letter to his protégé Timothy, he adds an important command. We can likewise apply Paul’s wise instruction as something for us to follow today. He tells us we are to pray for those in authority. This includes our […]

Personal Posts

The Season of Giving

Around 2008, the economy wasn’t looking good, the markets were in the pits, and there was general concern about the future. Given all this, it was easy to be self-focused and forget about other people and their circumstances. Today, at least in the US, things are much different. The markets are booming and businesses are […]

Christian Living

One Way That Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament

Jesus Turns the Celebration of Passover into the Celebration of Communion As the Israelites prepare to leave Egypt, Moses instructs them to have a special meal with their families and neighbors. They celebrate the first Passover. From then on Passover becomes an annual celebration. Fast forward a couple millennia. Jesus gives his disciples instructions to […]

Christian Living

What Are You Thankful For?

Take Time to Tell God What You’re Thankful For on Thanksgiving and Every Other Day Too The church I attended several years ago had a Thanksgiving practice of having members stand to share what they were thankful for. From my perspective this never went well, with too much silence or too much forced sharing and […]

Bible Insights

What Do People Remember About You?

Faith, Hope, and Love When Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica he professes three things he recalls about them. He remembers them and their characteristics before God, presumably as he prays, offering thanksgiving to God for their lives and the examples they provide. Three things stand out as the testimony of the Thessalonian church, […]

Christian Living

Will You Pray For Me?

Three Outcomes to Consider When people ask for prayer, I’m eager to do so. Prayer is important; prayer makes a difference. God wants us to pray, and it’s part of our spiritual formation. So when someone asks, “Will you pray for me?” I pray. Often I pray right away, either silently or out loud, depending […]