Christian Living

The Value of Spiritual Training

I had friends in high school who dreamed of excelling in sports, of being the star and even receiving a college scholarship. The problem with their aspirations was that they seldom practiced; a few never even bothered to try out. More recently I’ve listened to aspiring writers who dream of having the next great novel, […]

Bible Insights

Top Ten Books of the Bible

The Protestant Bible contains 66 books, while the Catholic Bible adds seven more. I’ve read them all, seeing value in each one. But I like some more than others. Here are my top ten books of the Bible: 1. Luke was a doctor and the only non-Jewish author in the New Testament. He writes as […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit

The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit: Encountering The Power of Signs and Wonders By C. Peter Wagner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) C. Peter Wagner begins The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit by identifying the first two waves: the Pentecostal movement that opened the twentieth century and the wider Charismatic movement that followed it some […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Heaven is for Real

A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back By Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Not yet four years old, Colton Burpo’s life was slipping away. His burst appendix was misdiagnosed and left untreated for days. Now it was likely too late to save him. His parents’ prayers became […]

Bible Insights

More Thoughts About Holy Spirit Power

The Bible writes that Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit and the result of this spiritual/physical union was Jesus—it was a virgin birth. This supernatural impregnation was the spiritual superseding the physical. And if God can do that, he can certainly heal our bodies and restore us to health. He has the power to […]

Bible Insights

The Connection Between Unity and Language

It is interesting how the Old Testament of the Bible is often in contrast with the New Testament. For example, in the story about the tower of Babel, God confuses the people’s languages and since they can no longer communicate, they scatter. He did this because they were working together; their goal was so that […]

Bible Insights

Following the Good and Straight Path

If “wisdom” is the theme of Proverbs, then “path” may be the context. There are good paths and evil paths, straight paths and crooked paths. There are the paths of the righteous and paths of the wicked. For those who are wise and make good decisions, there is the right path, the path of life, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Indigo

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan I recently watched the 2003 movie Indigo—and enjoyed it thoroughly. Indigo is a drama about a young girl who has special abilities, which she uses to protect and re-unite her family. In the movie, she encounters others who are likewise gifted. These, we learn, are “indigo children,” who have supernatural awareness […]

Bible Insights

God Thinks Highly of Us

Are You Highly Esteemed? Do you ever wonder what God thinks of you? Unfortunately, I suspect that most people who consider such a question reach the wrong conclusion. But what if an angel were to show up and provide a supernatural perspective about you? It’s happened: An angel tells Daniel that he is “highly esteemed.” […]

Bible Insights

Jabez Asks God: Bless Me, Indeed!

The first line of the prayer of Jabez, is: “Oh, that you would bless me, indeed…” First of all, the word “indeed” is a way of adding emphasis, much like we would do with an exclamation point. It wasn’t enough for Jabez to merely make his request, he made it passionately and emphatically. The request […]