Christian Living

What If Sabbath Rest Is Worship?

Discover What to Do on Sunday When it comes to what we do and don’t do on Sunday, there are different interpretations of what’s permissible and what’s not. These range from Sunday being a set apart day to being a day like any other, with the freedom to do whatever we want. Here are some […]

Christian Living

What Are Your Sunday Practices?

Keep the Sabbath Holy and Don’t Do Any Work In my post God Rested, I talked about the Old Testament command to keep the Sabbath holy and not do any work (Exodus 20:8-11). Yet Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law, so it doesn’t apply anymore (Matthew 5:17). However, God rested on the seventh day of […]

Christian Living

God Rested

The Creator Rested on the Seventh Day—Maybe We Should Too I’ve written a lot about taking a Sunday Sabbath. My goal is to treat it as a special day, one different from the other six days of my week. I’ve talked about my reasons for doing so, but I’ve seldom mentioned that the impetus for […]

Christian Living

Let’s Celebrate Resurrection Sunday

Instead of the Confusing Messages about Easter, Focus on Jesus Rising from the Dead On Resurrection Sunday—more commonly known as Easter—let’s place our emphasis completely on Jesus. After he died as the ultimate sin sacrifice for all humanity, he proved his power over death by rising from the dead. He is alive! Though dead for […]

Bible Insights

How Should We Observe the Sabbath?

God Intended for Us to Take a Day of Rest Each Week The Old Testament talks a lot about the Sabbath. God wants his children to work six days and then rest on the seventh. In fact, he commands that they observe the Sabbath. But lest we think this is an Old Testament thing, God […]

Bible Insights

When Is the Best Time to Do Good?

Helping Others Is One of Many Ways to Worship God I like the stories about Jesus helping people in need, such as by feeding them and especially by healing them. Even more I like it when Jesus confronts the religious practices of the day. We have so much to learn from his example. It’s a […]

Bible Insights

What Should You Do on Sunday?

Celebrating the Sabbath People have different ideas about what you can and can’t do on Sundays, how you should and shouldn’t act. This ranges from Sunday being the same as every other day to it being a solemn set-apart time when you go to church, rest, and do nothing else. Though I have never pursued […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Be a Baby Christian

Learn How to Eat Spiritual Food and Feed Yourself The author of Hebrews (who I suspect was Paul) warns the young church, the followers of Jesus, that they need to grow up. Though many of them should be mature enough to teach others, they still haven’t grasped the basics themselves. They persist in drinking spiritual […]

Bible Insights

The Sabbath Day

Sunday Should Not Be a Day of Restriction but a Day of Freedom and Celebration In the book of Exodus, God and Moses have a face-to-face meeting. That is significant. How cool would it be to have a direct conversation with the Almighty? Certainly, we’d remember what he told us and be careful to follow […]

Bible Insights

What Does God Do On Sunday?

Our Worship verses God’s Work After God finishes with his amazing creation he takes time on the seventh day to rest. He declares the day holy. Later in the Old Testament, God reminds his people to keep the Sabbath holy and to not work. How should this inform our worship of our creator? Yea, a […]