Bible Insights

An Army of Angels To Protect Us

The young girl gazes out into the desert. Something comes towards her. It is Solomon, her lover, traveling by carriage. He is accompanied by a protective band of weapon wielding warriors, tested and poised for whatever threat awaits them. With Solomon—and his army—she will be protected. In a spiritual sense, this is how it is […]

Bible Insights

Living in the Physical and Spiritual Realms

A Physical World and a Spiritual Reality We live in a physical world. We can interact with it though our senses. It is tangible. It is real. Contrast this to the spiritual realm. We exist in both physical and spiritual realms. While this is true, there is more—much more. There is a spiritual reality that […]

Christian Living

The Bible Uncovers the Spiritual Realm for Us

We Get a Glimpse into the Spiritual Realm Through Scripture We live in a physical realm. In our physical world, we experience it with our senses. We see things, touch things, and hear, taste, and smell things. Through our senses, we experience our physical reality. However, there’s also a spiritual aspect of our existence, which […]

Bible Insights

Do Angels Fight for Us?

We Can Only Guess about Battles in the Spiritual Realm, but Angels Fight for Us The book of Daniel contains six stories and four prophetic visions. In Daniel’s final, and longest, vision, we get a glimpse— perhaps metaphorically—of what happens in the spiritual realm and how angels fight for us. Starting with chapter 10, Daniel […]

Christian Living

Not All That’s Spiritual Is Good

As Followers of Jesus We Can Point the Supernaturally Curious to God Premodern people saw everything as spiritual. Though modern thinking attempted to remove the spiritual from our everyday reality, the postmodern view is open to reunite them. For that I am glad. Yet not all that is spiritual is good. Consider all of the […]

Christian Living

What Do You Think of The Spiritual Realm?

A friend of mine once startled me by saying, “Sometimes I think the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm.” That gave me a start, but I understand what he meant—and yearn to understand it more fully. It’s been said that “we are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live in […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Indigo

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan I recently watched the 2003 movie Indigo—and enjoyed it thoroughly. Indigo is a drama about a young girl who has special abilities, which she uses to protect and re-unite her family. In the movie, she encounters others who are likewise gifted. These, we learn, are “indigo children,” who have supernatural awareness […]