Christian Living

What Is Sexual Immorality?

Live a Life of Purity and Avoid Being Sexually Immoral In studying Revelation for my book, A New Heaven and a New Earth, two recurring phrases are sexual immorality and sexually immoral. The Bible decries this is something to avoid. But that begs the question: what is sexual immorality? No Moral Absolutes? The world teaches […]

Bible Insights

The Wicked Acts of Sodom and Gomorrah

Discover Why We Need to Help the Poor and Needy Even if you’ve not read the Bible, you have likely heard about Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities God destroyed for their extreme wickedness. The account of this is found in Genesis, chapters 18 and 19. In this text, the sexual depravity of the men of […]

Bible Insights

What Can Ten Righteous People Do?

The Bible includes the account of Abraham discussing the future of Sodom with God. Abraham is torn, he knows the city is corrupt and warrants punishment, but he also carries concern for his nephew Lot who lives there. In a series of bold moves, Abraham asks God if he’ll spare the town because of the […]