Bible Insights

Are You a Sluggard?

Don’t Be Too Quick to Say No The word sluggard occurs 14 times in Proverbs, but is nowhere to be found in the other 65 books of the Bible. This is curious. First, what is a sluggard? It’s a slothful person; an idler; a person who is habitually lazy. Consider then, Proverbs’ 14 mentions of […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Be a Sluggard, Be Prudent

In contrast to the sluggard, is the prudent person. The word “prudent” also predominates the book of Proverbs with 10 appearances, contrasted to only two in the rest of the Bible. “Prudent” means “wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense; careful in regard to one’s own interests or conduct.” It seems […]

Bible Insights

Recurring Words from Proverbs

There are several words that appear with disproportionate frequency in the book of Proverbs—and with minimal representation in the rest of the Bible. They are: Plus, there are some additional words that appear with surprising regularity in Proverbs: In upcoming posts, we will look at each of these words. [The 1984 NIV version of the […]