Visiting Churches

The Postcard Church

The Allure of Something Fresh After a year or so of attending The Nonconventional Church, we receive a series of captivating postcards about a new church that will soon launch in our community. I soon call them the Postcard Church. I’m intrigued and want to learn more. My wife doesn’t. Though they’re part of a […]

Visiting Churches

Evangelical or Charismatic Church?

Confusing Messaging I’m excited about visiting the last church on our list—or at least the final church we intend to visit. Our plans could change, and with God, they often do. I’m not sure if this church is charismatic or evangelical. An Independent Charismatic Fellowship Unlike last week, this church’s website provides a lot of […]

Visiting Churches

The Friendly Church

Retired and Welcoming This church has an innocuous name, giving no clue about who they are. But this is precisely why I didn’t dismiss it or the people who go there. Besides judging churches by their affiliation—or more precisely applauding their lack of a denominational connection—I realize I’ve also begun judging churches by their websites. […]

Visiting Churches

A Church That Meets in a Public School Gym

Excitement Prevails I removed every church from my list that was part of a denomination. At best they would merely offer variations of what we’ve already experienced—and rejected. Left are three churches with intriguing implications. Perhaps one will click with Candy. We’ll visit them the next three Sundays. This church meets in a public school […]

Visiting Churches

The Simulcast Church

Two Options in One Building The budget program I’m involved with on Wednesday mornings also has a Thursday evening option. Though I’m not a regular volunteer on Thursdays, I help from time to time. It’s bigger, with more classes, more clients, and more volunteers. The Thursday evening budget program meets at a different church, and […]

Visiting Churches

The Church with Good Music

Waiting for the Service to Start I volunteer at a budget program where I teach classes and encourage people to manage their finances, unlearn bad money-handling habits, and dig out of debt. It’s a biblically based program, and it meets at a local church, which is also today’s destination. In the brief time I’ve been […]

Visiting Churches

The Multisite Church

An Innovative Approach Removing The Mystery Church from our schedule leaves us with a last-minute quandary of where to go this Sunday. Candy recalls that one of our neighbors and her husband attend a multisite church in the community east of us. My bride contacts her online, and we soon have the details we need. […]

Visiting Churches

The Mystery Church

A Marketing Failure The last four churches have been the closest to our house and all are part of our local community. There is one more church that’s nearby. It’s two miles away. But we call it a mystery church. In the brief time we’ve been in the area, the name of the church has […]

Visiting Churches

The Church with a Fresh Spin

Breathing Life into Old Practices The three churches nearest to us—The Closest Church, The Traditional Denominational Church, and The Church with the Fundamental Vibe—all have traditional-sounding names, meet in traditional-looking buildings, and have traditional-style services. I want a church with a fresh spin. A Denominational Connection This church, only 1.8 miles away and just past […]

Visiting Churches

The Fundamental Church

Life Groups versus Sunday School Early this morning we make our annual switch to Daylight Saving Time, a transition full of folly and one I wish we’d skip. I wake up tired. I don’t want to roll out of bed and so want to skip church, but I know Candy won’t stand for it. “What […]