Bible Insights

Stephen is Martyred

Learn More about Stephen The third sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 6:8-7:60 (specifically Acts 7:1-53). Setting: Jerusalem, before the Sanhedrin (the ruling Jewish council) Speaker: Stephen Audience: Jewish leaders (members of the Sanhedrin) Preceding Events: Stephen supernaturally does many miracles and amazing things. The opposition stirs up trouble, has him arrested, and persuades […]

Bible Insights

Peter Speaks at Pentecost

Pete’s Powerful Sermon The first sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 2:1-41 (specifically Acts 2:14-36). Setting: Jerusalem on Pentecost Speaker: Peter Audience: Jews from many nations Preceding Events: The Holy Spirit arrives and empowers the disciples to speak in other languages. Unable to comprehend what is happening, some in the crowd conclude that the […]

Bible Insights

Peter Heals a Lame Man

Peter Preaches and Then Heals a Listener The second sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 3:1-4:4 (specifically, Acts 3:12-26). After he speaks, Peter heals a lame man. Setting: Jerusalem, in the temple Speaker: Peter Audience: Jews Preceding Events: Peter, through the power of Jesus, heals a lame man who was crippled from birth. Overall […]

Bible Insights

Peter Speaks to the Gentiles

Peter’s Message to the Gentiles The fourth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 10:23-48 (specifically Acts 10:34-43) Setting: Caesarea Speaker: Peter Audience: Cornelius, his family, and close friends—all Gentiles (that is, non-Jews) Preceding Events: Through a dream, God tells Peter to go to Cornelius’s house. Overall Theme: God makes no distinction between people; traditional […]

Bible Insights

Be Ready to Speak

Paul’s First Sermon The fifth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 13:13-52 (specifically, Acts 13:16-41 & 46-47) Setting: The synagogue in Antioch Speaker: Paul Audience: Jews and God-fearing Gentiles (likely converts to Judaism) Preceding Events: Paul is merely present at the Sabbath service and invited to speak Overall Theme: Paul connects the life of […]

Bible Insights

Paul Cleverly Connects with the People of Athens

Paul Preaches in Athens The sixth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 17:16-34 (specifically Acts 17:22-31). This one is to the people of Athens. Setting: In Athens, a meeting at the Areopagus Speaker: Paul Audience: The people of Athens (non-Jews) Preceding Events: The Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, who were debating with Paul about his […]

Bible Insights

Paul’s Words Stir up the Crowd

The Jews React to Paul’s Message The eighth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 21:27-22:30 (specifically Acts 22:3-21), where Paul’s words stir up the crowd, all because they don’t like what he says. Setting: Jerusalem, in the temple Speaker: Paul Audience: A mob and a few Roman soldiers Preceding Events: Some Jews from Asia […]

Bible Insights

Obey God Regardless: Paul Speaks to the Elders in Ephesus

Paul Sermon in Ephesus The seventh sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 20:16-37 (specifically Acts 20:18-35). Setting: Miletus Speaker: Paul Audience: Elders from the church of Ephesus Preceding Events: Paul, compelled by the Holy Spirit, is steadfastly traveling to Jerusalem. Overall Theme: Paul gives his personal testimony (he has worked hard for God, has […]

Bible Insights

Paul Talks about Resurrection from the Dead

Paul Talks to Felix The ninth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 24:1-27 (specifically Acts 24:10-21). Paul gives his testimony and talks about his belief in the resurrection from the dead. Setting: A hearing before Felix in Caesarea Speaker: Paul Audience: Felix (the governor and judge), Jews, and Ananias and Tertullus, Paul’s accusers. Preceding […]

Bible Insights

Paul Shares His Story

The Tenth Sermon in the Book of Acts The tenth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 25:10-Acts 26:22 (specifically Acts 26:2-29) Setting: A hearing before Festus in Caesarea Speaker: Paul Audience: Festus, King Agrippa, Bernice, high-ranking military officers, and prominent city leaders. Preceding Events: Paul, in an effort to avoid being assassinated in Jerusalem, […]