Christian Living

How Important Is Seminary for Today’s Church Leaders?

Knowing Jesus and Hearing the Holy Spirit Is Better Than Formal Education Most all churches expect their clergy to have undergone formal, academic education. Many insist on a seminary degree, especially for their ordained ministers. From a worldly standpoint this makes sense. But from God’s perspective I can imagine him laughing. Look at the credentials […]

Christian Living

9 Perspectives That We Must Change about Church

Re-examine Our Church Practices from a Biblical Viewpoint Over the past few months, I published a series of posts about assumptions we should change about church. Here is a list of all nine: What perspectives should you change about your view of church? Pick the assumption that most convicts you and work to reform it, […]

Christian Living

Why I’m Against Seminary Training

The first time someone said this to me, I was both excited and dismayed: “God’s calling me to full-time ministry—so I’m going to seminary.” Though I’ve now heard it many times since, my reaction is the same to the thought of seminary training. I’m thrilled whenever anyone desires to work full time to support God’s […]

Christian Living

The Truth about Seminary

Seminary Doesn’t Prepare People for Ministry; It Merely Meets Manmade Expectations I know many people who have gone to seminary. And I have friends who are going to seminary. I encourage them, pray for them, and once even helped pay the tuition.  I respect those who have gone to seminary and graduated. But here’s the […]

Christian Living

What Do You Expect From Your Pastor?

Ministers Toil under a Load of Heavy Demands that Shouldn’t be There; We Must Change That I have read two stats about ministers that chafe at my soul. The first is that most pastors have no real friends. When you remove the relationships they have with their congregation and denomination, where they must always guard […]

Christian Living

Serving God, College, and Student Loans

Consider the Real Prerequisites for Obeying God I once met a guy who wanted to work in broadcasting. So he went to college. In his four-year degree, taking some forty classes, guess how many applied to broadcasting? Just three. While having secondary benefit, his other three dozen plus classes were not preparing him for the […]