Christian Living

Reconsider the Two Parts of the Bible

Where Does the Law of God End and the Love of Jesus Begin in Scripture? The Bible divides Christian Scripture into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament looks at the rules God required to be right with him and anticipates a future when he will send us a Savior. […]

Bible Insights

How Do We Respond to Jesus?

We should show our gratitude to Jesus for all he has done for us The Bible records many things Jesus did when he was here on earth. A reoccurring action is Jesus healing people from their physical and spiritual maladies. Matthew 8 records several of these instances, and we will focus on one of them: […]

Bible Insights

Put Your Faith in Action

Good deeds and right living don’t earn our salvation, but they do confirm it Paul writes to his friends in Thessalonica. He reminds them—and us—that salvation is a gift from God. We can’t earn it and can only receive it through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). But it seems that many people do try to earn their […]

Christian Living

We Must Choose to Follow Jesus Every Day

Each Morning We Decide How We Will Live that Day be it For Ourselves or For a Greater Purpose In highschool a friend caught me off guard when she said with confidence that “once you’re saved you can’t lose your salvation.” I asked her where the Bible said that. She didn’t have an answer about […]

Bible Insights

All Things Are Possible With God

Getting into Heaven is Impossible Without God A rich man asks Jesus how to get to heaven. The man reels off a list of all he’s done, of all of God’s commands that he’s kept. He waits for Jesus to affirm him, but deep down he knows he still falls short. “What else must I […]

Christian Living

How to Work Out Your Salvation

Don’t Work to Earn Your Salvation Now, back to my original thought from last week: The teaching pastor at the church I attend is good at what he does. He communicates effectively, digs deep into the biblical text, and provides new information. He prepares well, and it shows. His passage was Philippians 2:12-13 where Paul […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: True Story

True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In By James Choung (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Caleb is questioning God, faith, and what he has been taught. “What if we’ve settled? What if Jesus did more than we think?” Pastor Dave is unnerved by the questions, wanting to give pat evangelical answers—or to dismiss the questions altogether. Caleb’s […]

Bible Insights

Do You Need a Doctor?

Jesus said, “It is not healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus came for the sick. (Since he came to heal and to save, we may be able to comprehend this both literally and figuratively, that is, the physically sick and the spiritually […]

Christian Living

Jesus Took the Hit For Us

I sat in a coffee shop with a new friend who had just begun to follow Jesus. As we talked about what that meant and how it intersected with life, he suddenly digressed, blurting out, “I don’t really get this whole deal about Jesus dying for my sins.” I knew the answer, but could I […]

Bible Insights

How Does Salvation “Work”?

How Does Salvation “Work”? In one Paul’s letters, he says something that is quite curious and strange. He tells readers to “work out your salvation” (Philippians 2:12). Ugh? Didn’t Paul also write that we are saved through faith and not by our “works” (that is, not of our own doing or striving)? (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, […]