Bible Insights

What is Eternal Life?

When Does Eternal Life Begin The phrase eternal life occurs forty-two times in the Bible. But what exactly does this mean? Do you know that eternal life begins now? Some think that it is a synonym for heaven. If we believe in Jesus, we will go to heaven when we die. That is what eternal […]

Christian Living

Martin Luther Supported the Sacrament of Penance

But Luther Believed the Pope Had No Power Over Purgatory Martin Luther’s second group of ninety-five theses addressed the pope’s authority over purgatory, or to be more correct, the pope’s lack of authority. Martin asserted that the pope had no power when it came to remitting sins and their penalty in purgatory. Though some accounts […]

Christian Living

There’s No Shortcut to Heaven: Buying Full Indulgences Won’t Help

Martin Luther Worried That Buying Full Indulgences Served to Hinder Salvation What most raised the ire of the Church against Martin Luther and his ninety-five theses, however, was not his claim of salvation through Jesus alone or the pope having no power over purgatory, but his bold statement that full indulgences served to hinder salvation. […]

Bible Insights

10 People Raised from the Dead in the Bible

Resurrections Occur in Both the Old and New Testaments In the Bible, dead people return to life. This happens on ten occasions, with three resurrections occurring in the Old Testament and seven times in the New. Check out these stories of people supernaturally raised from the dead. 1. Son of a Widow in Zarephath The […]

Bible Insights

The Near Death Experience of Jonah

Live a Life of Obedience and Without Regret to Finish Strong Most people know the story of Jonah: God sends Jonah to help Nineveh. But Jonah gets in a boat headed in the opposite direction. God sends a storm to get Jonah’s attention. Jonah implores the crew to throw him overboard in order to calm […]

Christian Living

How Much Did Jesus Suffer When He Died for Us?

Jesus Died as the Ultimate Sacrifice So That We May Live The Old Testament of the Bible overflows with instructions about offering sacrifices to God and how his people but them into practice. One of those sacrifices served as an annual sacrifice for the sins of the people. The people had to repeat it each […]

Christian Living

Should We Distinguish Between Christian and Biblical Worldviews?

Exploring Christian Practices That Lack Biblical Support For years I’ve told people that I strive to write from a Christian worldview. That’s what I believed I was doing. I even regularly prayed that God would empower me to do so, that each word I wrote would embrace, support, and advance a Christian worldview. However, I […]

Peter DeHaan News

Hear Guest Peter DeHaan on the We Are Saved Podcast

Check Out This New Christian Podcast I listen to a lot of podcasts. And I started a podcast over a decade ago. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. After a dozen or so episodes I ran out of time. Yet my interest in the medium never waned. For me, the […]

Bible Insights

A Criminal Makes a Deathbed Confession

Don’t Put Off Following Jesus While we shouldn’t wait to follow Jesus, it’s nice to know that he’ll give us up to the last minute to make a decision In Luke’s biography of Jesus, the author sometimes shares details not found in the Bible’s other three accounts of Jesus’s life. One such example is about […]

Christian Living

How Do You View Jesus?

Revelation Gives Us Insight into Jesus and the Truth May Surprise You People view Jesus in different ways. To some he is judgmental and mean. Others think he’s a good teacher but nothing more. Some view him as their Savior. They say Jesus is loving and accepting. To help us get an accurate view of […]