Personal Posts

Spring Has Sprung—I Think

Just two days ago, the sunrise temperature was 1 degree F; I was beginning to wonder if spring would ever get here. (According to the calendar, spring begins in about two weeks, on March 20). Although we have been intermittently flirting with nicer weather, it quickly turns out to be nothing more than a tease. We […]

Personal Posts

Maple Syrup Au Naturel

In the northern clime of Michigan, the ideal time to trim deciduous trees (that is, non-evergreens) is in their dormant state. That means winter.  Unfortunately, this winter was colder than most and the snow was deeper.  So whenever I considered trimming a few branches, it was either frigidly cold or there was more than a foot […]

Personal Posts

My Favorite Comedy Movies

Here are my favorite comedies. Sometimes the humor is subtle; other times I smile; and occasionally I laugh till there are tears in my eyes and my stomach hurts. How many of these would make your list?

Personal Posts

Go Directly to Jail, Do Not Pass Go

The recent issue of Sojourners magazine cited some sobering facts about the state of the prison system in the United States: 7.4 million people were under the control of the US criminal justice system in 2007. I’m not exactly sure what is meant by “under control,” but that is over 2 percent of the population, […]

Personal Posts

Lake Effect Snow

When people call me during the winter months, they often ask about the weather. These queries are usually about the snowfall, but sometimes, temperature. I suspect that these questioners are hoping that my winter weather is worse than theirs—and most of the time, it is. Living east of Lake Michigan, our weather is greatly influenced […]

Personal Posts

Snowplow vs the US Mail

Last fall, the USPS notified me that my once acceptably positioned mailbox was no longer acceptable. It needed to be moved closer to the road so that I could reliably receive mail during the snowy winter months. I determined that it was in my best interest to acquiesce to their “request” and reposition my mailbox […]

Personal Posts

Stopping Unwanted Catalogs

In the past, I have blogged about my efforts to stop unwanted newspapers and magazines from showing up uninvited in my mailbox.  This task has been quite successful and I have found that most publishers make it easy to be removed from their mailing lists (though often one or two mailings are already being worked […]

Personal Posts

Making New Year’s Resolutions

What Changes Do You Plan to Make? Happy New Year! From my family to yours, I hope that you have a safe, healthy, and prosperous year. The new year is a time when many people make New Year’s resolutions.  Common ones include losing weight, saving money, going back to school, finding a better job, improving or […]

Personal Posts

Christmas Recap

  (Back row: Laura & Chris, Dan & Kelli, Front Row: Candy & Peter) This year our Christmas celebrations began last Saturday with one side of the family, continued Christmas Eve with the other side, and concluded Christmas morning with our kids.  By 10 a.m., both couples had departed for more family celebrations of their own—but […]

Personal Posts

Winter is Here—Where are You?

Today officially marks the first day of winter, but to me it’s been “winter” for a month and a half—with about three more months to go! On my list of favorite seasons, winter comes in fourth. Currently, we are in the midst of another winter storm, with temperatures in the low single digits and wind chills […]