Christian Living

Tips to Understand the Bible

To Better Understand the Bible, Use Scripture to Interpret Scripture I shared part of my book, Women in the Bible, with some friends at a writers group. They liked what they heard and had questions about how I researched and wrote it. I explained that the Bible was the only resource I used. By design, […]

Christian Living

Do We Need to Know Hebrew and Greek to Study the Bible?

Ministers who flaunt their knowledge of Hebrew and Greek often do more harm than good As part of their training, many ministers must study Hebrew and Greek. Sometimes when they prepare a sermon, they go back to the Bible’s initial languages so they can study the words in its original tongue: Hebrew for the Old […]

Christian Living

The Bible is Four Dimensional

Don’t Read the Bible Like Any Other Book Because It Isn’t Like Other Books When we read a book, it’s a linear process. We start at the beginning. Then reading one word at a time, we make our way to the end. Once we reach the last word, the final period, we’re finished. Usually we […]

Christian Living

Use Technology to Study the Bible

We Have Many Tools Available to Explore the Word of God I love to study the Bible. I often talk about reading and exploring scripture. This may conjure up an image of me sitting in a chair with an open copy of the Word of God in my hands. While this is an apt understanding, […]

Christian Living

The Bible Unveils Rich Literature to Us

The Bible Contains Epic Stories, Profound Poetry, and a Compelling Narrative In my continuing series of why I love the Bible, here’s reason number 10. The Bible is classic literature, that transcends the ages. The Bible has withstood the onslaught of time and the attacks of its detractors, who have sought to destroy its existence. […]

Christian Living

Read the Bible in Your Favorite Translation

It doesn’t matter which version of the Bible you read, as long as you read it People often ask me, “Which version of the Bible should I use?” My answer is quick. They should select a version of the Bible that they will actually read. An unopened Bible means nothing. In my decades of reading […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Tells Us Good Things Are Coming: Are You Ready?

The Bible Isn’t the Point, It’s the God Revealed in the Bible Hebrews chapter 10 opens with a line worthy of contemplation. It says, that the Law—that is the Old Testament—merely hints at what we have to look forward to, of the good things God has in store for us. The law shouldn’t be our […]

Christian Living

The Bible Provides Direction for Our Life

Read the Holy Scriptures as a guidebook more so than a rulebook Though some people read the Bible out of a sense of obligation—and granted, sometimes we have seasons where we just need to push through—others read its words to inform their daily living, among other things. Yet, we must exercise care in how we […]

Christian Living

The Bible Can Provide Direction for Our Lives

We Can Receive Focus for Life Decisions from the Word of God The Bible offers much for us, assuming we bother to tap into its treasure-trove of knowledge. One of the Bible’s uses is to provide direction for our lives. To realize the Bible’s insight as applicable to our lives, however, we need to read […]

Christian Living

Christians Should Consider the Entire Bible

Many Christians Include the Books of the Apocrypha as Part of Their Scripture The book of Revelation ends with a severe threat to anyone who would add to it, that God will afflict that person with the plagues mentioned therein. Interpretation Error Though the warning clearly applies to the book of Revelation—“the words of the […]