Christian Living

Are You Christ Curious?

Learn More about Jesus and What His Life Means Some people view Jesus as a great historical figure, an insightful teacher, or a guru who taught and exemplified the importance of loving others. They’re intrigued by him and want to learn more. They are Christ curious. Other people go all in for Jesus. They follow […]

Christian Living

Do You Have a Crisis of Faith?

Discover 3 Tips of What to Do If Question Your Faith I hear people who have a crisis of faith, who question what they believe. It pains me to see the struggle they’re going through. Yet I’ve never been sure how to help them, except to encourage them to press forward and not give up. […]

Christian Living

Should We Meditate on God’s Word?

As We Read the Bible May We Imagine All God Has in Store for Us I’ve always been wary of meditating. It seems so mystical, so ungodly. This is because I encountered the idea of meditation from Eastern religions, not biblical Christianity. Though there are many types of meditation, I’ve heard most about transcendental meditation. […]

Christian Living

Look for SPACE When You Study Scripture

Discover How the SPACE Bible Study Method Can Inform Your Life I often encourage people to study the Bible. But we shouldn’t read Scripture to amass knowledge to stuff into our brain. The primary value is to let the Bible’s words inform our journey and reform our life. Therefore, we need to apply the words […]

Christian Living

The Purpose of the Bible

Explore the Reasons Why We Should Read Scripture I write a lot about the Bible. And I advocate that people read and study the Bible. I encourage them to explore Scripture daily. But why? What is the purpose of the Bible? Without knowing why we’re doing something, it’s hard to persist in it and turn […]

Christian Living

The Five Most Overlooked Books in the New Testament

Discover These Significant Epistles of the Bible The New Testament of the Bible opens with the historic books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts. It ends with the prophetic book of Revelation. Between them are twenty-one letters, also called epistles. Five of them, which seem tacked onto the end of the section, are the […]

Christian Living

Christians and the Bible

Most Christians Already Know More About the Bible Than What They Put into Practice I’ve already written that most Christians don’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. In short, they believe things that aren’t biblical. It’s true. A related thought is that most Christians already know more about the Bible […]

Christian Living

Are You Reading the Bible or a Secondary Source?

Be Careful When You Study Books about the Bible I recently heard about a minister who said that none of his seminary classes studied the Bible. Instead, each professor had students study books about the Bible. Though this minister learned theology, he knew the Bible from a distance in a sterile, formal manner. He didn’t […]

Christian Living

Hold on to Every Thought

Make Our Thoughts Obedient to Jesus Paul tells the church in Corinth to capture every thought and make it obedient to Jesus. Likewise, Proverbs advises us to guard our thoughts (Proverbs 4:23). (Some translations say to guard our hearts, putting a different twist on the same concept). This is often hard to do—but not impossible. […]

Christian Living

7 Tips to Form a Bible Reading Habit

Be Intentional About Spending Time in God’s Word Each Day I read Scripture every day and have for most of my adult life. I’ve formed a Bible reading habit. It’s become an essential part of my life, just like eating and sleeping. Reading God’s Word has become natural and normal for me. And I encourage […]