Christian Living

How to Pray Yourself Out of a Prayer Rut

People who pray on a regular basis, at some point, are likely to end up in a rut—a prayer rut. (Conversely, people who don’t pray on a regular basis may also be in a prayer rut of sorts, albeit a different kind.) A prayer rut may be likened to trying to extricate a stuck car: […]

Christian Living

Pray for our President—Regardless of Your Party

In the United States, the presidential race is well underway, with the election not until next November, almost a year away. Most people who follow such things—and frankly, it is hard to ignore—have polarized positions about who should be our next president, rather it is to re-elect the incumbent or to elect anyone but the […]

Christian Living

May We Be Refreshed By Each Other

This week, as I wrote out a prayer in my journal, I invited God into a time of fellowship with me, for us to commune with each other. Then I intended to ask him, “May I be refreshed by our time together.” Instead, I felt a spiritual compulsion and at the last moment I wrote, […]

Christian Living

Be True to Our Calling

I just returned from a writers conference. It was a rewarding and informative time in learning about the art—and business—of writing well. In the closing presentation, our speaker astutely noted that some of us write fiction and some non-fiction; some write for the Christian market and some for the general market—and that’s okay. As writers, […]

Christian Living

How to End a Fast Well

In an earlier post, I talked about fasting. I admitted that despite the spiritual benefits—while tangible and profound—fasting is a mystery to me. I also shared that the most difficult part of my fast was ending it well. From a physical sense, when that initial morsel of food touches my tongue, I am often filled […]

Christian Living

What’s Your Favorite Bible Verse?

What is your favorite verse in the Bible? Is it John 3:16? That seems to be one commonly cited. Or perhaps, it’s commonly cited, only because it is the only one people know. As a teen, just to be contrary and catch people off guard, I would claim that my favorite verse was John 3:17. […]

Christian Living

Does Ritual Have Any Value?

A byproduct of my spiritual formation is a disdain for ritual. To me, a ritual is a meaningless religious activity that is mechanically performed; it is an empty ceremony and a mindless habit, devoid of substance. This perspective is due in part to what I read in the Bible, where God repeatedly criticizes his followers […]

Bible Insights

Forgive Us as We Forgive Others

When you pray, be careful what you pray—I’m serious, be very careful. In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples (also called “The Lord’s Prayer” or the “Our Father”), one part says: “Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors.” Some translations use the word “sins” or “transgressions” in place of debts, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

By Donald S. Whitney (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) As stated in the book’s title, “Spiritual Disciples for the Christian Life,” this work discusses spiritual disciplines for those who follow Jesus. Spiritual disciplines are willing and intentional actions that promote spiritual growth, making us more like Jesus. They should not be thought of actions that earn […]

Bible Insights

Praying For Our Daily Bread

Jesus Said to Pray For Our Daily Bread When the Israelites left Egypt, they spent 40 years in the desert before proceeding on to the land God had promised them. During this time, God miraculously gave them food each day, which they called manna. All they needed to do was go out in the morning […]