Christian Living

Do We Share Our Spiritual Struggles as Much as Our Triumphs?

Don’t Celebrate Your Successes and Hide Your Shortcomings A friend once told how he gave his TV away; he didn’t want one anymore. It was a spiritual act, a voluntary fast from television and the distractions it provided, in order to give him more time for God and family. He reveled in his decision and […]

Christian Living

Say a Bold Prayer

What Do You Expect When You Pray? When you make a bold prayer, what do you expect? Do you anticipate God will answer your request, or do you brace yourself for disappointment? More to the point, are you more surprised when your prayers are answered or surprised when they’re not? Some people pray with little […]

Christian Living

I’m Glad I Missed the Sermon

Last Sunday I only made it halfway through the church service. I completely missed the sermon—and it was the best church experience I’ve had in a long, long time. That’s not to imply I didn’t like the speaker (I do) or that his words lacked substance (my bride gave me a recap, so I know […]

Christian Living

Leave a Legacy

A legacy is something handed down from a predecessor. Yesterday in my blog about writing I shared ideas for leaving a legacy through words. Even more important is leaving a spiritual legacy, of making a godly impression on people today and generations tomorrow. This starts at home, with family, and extends to friends, rippling out […]

Christian Living

The Value of Spiritual Training

I had friends in high school who dreamed of excelling in sports, of being the star and even receiving a college scholarship. The problem with their aspirations was that they seldom practiced; a few never even bothered to try out. More recently I’ve listened to aspiring writers who dream of having the next great novel, […]

Bible Insights

What is Manna?

When the nation of Israel was in the desert, God provided food for them each day. The Israelites called it manna and it miraculously appeared every morning. The manna would provide them with the sustenance they needed for that day. If they tried to gather extra and stockpile it, it would turn bad (except for […]

Christian Living

Can We Really Pray Without Ceasing?

The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing, to pray continually. This seems to be an impossible task. If we always prayed, we’d be doing nothing but praying. However, Brother Lawrence did approach this goal, learning over the course of many years to be in a constant attitude of prayer as he went about his daily […]

Bible Insights

Pray for the Holy Spirit

For much of my life when I would stumble upon a confusing section in the Bible, I would rush through it to reach something else that made more sense. Lately, I’ve been doing the opposite. When I reach a confusing passage, I linger, seeking to dig deeper, contemplate more fully, and discover hidden truths. Such […]

Bible Insights

Be Careful What You Pray

The Lord’s Prayer contains a curious phrase that gives me pause. Frankly, it makes me uncomfortable every time I say it. The passage in question is “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” We mean the first part, but do we really mean the second part? When we ask this of God, are […]

Christian Living

What Does it Mean to Pray Hard?

Have you ever had someone ask you to “pray hard?” I have. Often it’s for a pressing personal issue or a distressing situation—and they implore me to “pray hard.” When they say this, I think I know what they mean—or at least I hope I do. I think “pray hard” means, “This is serious, so […]