Bible Insights

David’s Last Words

Psalm 168 from Beyond Psalm 150 As the book of 2 Samuel winds down, so does David’s life. In the penultimate chapter, we read David’s final recorded words. In this short psalm of praise, David recites the words God spoke to him, affirming David’s godly character and righteous reign. Yahweh’s Spirit spoke by me.    His word […]

Bible Insights

Praising God through Scripture

Mary’s Psalm of Praise Luke 1:49–55 “Holy is his name.” (Luke 1:49) Mary’s psalm of praise continues by commending God for who he is. Her recitation of his attributes builds on Old Testament truths, quotes, and allusions, presenting an informed scriptural understanding of how God has been at work. She starts by declaring that he […]

Bible Insights

David Praises God

Psalm 164 from Beyond Psalm 150 After a fatal first attempt to move the ark of God (1 Chronicles 13:3–14), David successfully brings the ark of God into Jerusalem and places it inside the tent he has prepared for it. David then gives offerings to God and appoints Levites—including Asaph— to lead worship. The Bible credits Asaph […]

Bible Insights

Hannah’s Prayer of Praise

Psalm 161 from Beyond Psalm 150 Hannah lives a difficult life. First, she must share her husband’s affections with another woman. Second, Hannah is childless, while her husband’s other wife, Peninnah, isn’t. And Peninnah repeatedly mocks Hannah for her infertility. Despite his love for her, Hannah’s husband dismisses her pain over being childless. He doesn’t […]

Bible Insights

Deborah’s Song

Psalm 159 from Beyond Psalm 150 After Moses dies, his successor, Joshua, leads the people to conquer and settle in the promised land. Then a series of judges (leaders) work to free the people from recurring cycles of oppression. The book of Judges lists one female judge among many male counterparts. Deborah, a judge and […]

Visiting Churches

A Spirit-Led Service: Visiting Church #66, Part 2

Several months later we have a chance for a return visit to this same church. The opportunity to experience a normal service with their regular pastor should provide the chance to experience what we missed the first time.  I hope to experience a spirit-led service. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 66. 1. The […]

Bible Insights

Do You Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise?

Embrace a Different Way to Worship God The term “sacrifice of praise” is only found in one verse in the Bible. It’s a curious phrase. What does it mean? Whatever it may refer to, the first thing we see is we are to do it continually. We are to offer a constant sacrifice of praise […]

Christian Living

Live for Today

Celebrate the Past, Anticipate the Future, and Embrace the Present Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). Yet most people only celebrate what he has done or anticipate what he will do. They fail to see what he is doing now. That’s why we must live for today. Yesterday The Bible records […]

Bible Insights

The Dangers of Christian Celebrity

Don’t Place Ministers on a Pedestal It’s sad when it happens, but we don’t need to wait long before another prominent Christian leader falls from his pedestal. Yes, it is usually men. While their moral failings are the reason, we, too, are to blame. With ungodly fervor, we elevate our cherished leaders, hoisting them to […]

Visiting Churches

Commitment Sunday and Celebration

Discussing Church 32 This church has been homeless for a while, but they moved into their own space last week. Today they celebrate God’s faithfulness on a trying journey with their annual commitment Sunday. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #32:  1. We arrive to learn that it’s commitment Sunday for them, with contribution […]