Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Featured on Journey with Janice Podcast

A Wide-Ranging and Encouraging Discussion of God, the Bible Faith, and Church Author and Bible teacher Peter DeHaan was interviewed by Janice Rigel-Henriquez on Journey with Janice, a weekly podcast that celebrates “the journey of pursuing Jesus, building our lives on the Word and seeing this world impacted with the love of God.” Janice is […]

Christian Living

WORLD News Group

A News Source Grounded in Biblical Truth I stopped listening to the news on June 15, 2020. I had to. The negativity and biased rhetoric wore me down. It permeated my life and threatened my ability to function. Though I didn’t like being out of touch, when I stopped listening to the news a weight […]

Christian Living

What Are Your Sunday Practices?

Keep the Sabbath Holy and Don’t Do Any Work In my post God Rested, I talked about the Old Testament command to keep the Sabbath holy and not do any work (Exodus 20:8-11). Yet Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law, so it doesn’t apply anymore (Matthew 5:17). However, God rested on the seventh day of […]

Christian Living

Church Distractions

What Do You Focus on When You Should Be Focusing on God? This is a post I’m hesitant to share. Yet I’ve always been forthright when I talk about my spiritual journey. So there’s no point in holding back now. The disconcerting truth is I often struggle with church distractions during the service. I wrestle […]

Christian Living

Reduce the Noise in Your Life to Better Hear God

We Must Remove Distractions to Hear What the Holy Spirit Says I recently listened to a talk on the topic of noise. It was the opening message to a sermon series. The teaching provided many thought-provoking ideas to consider. It also supplied me with a springboard to examine my own contemplation about noise—specifically the noise […]

Christian Living

Tips in Selecting Sermon Podcasts

Carefully Choose the Messages You Hear I listen to a lot of podcasts each week. Since I work at home and my wife doesn’t, I often eat lunch by myself. This is an ideal time to listen to podcasts. I also listen when I take my daily walk—at least each day when the weather is […]

Christian Living

Stay Home to Go to Church

Ideas for Having a House Church Over the years there have been times when I couldn’t go to church. I’m not talking about the Sundays I was ill or traveling. Instead, I’m referring to times when the church canceled its service. These have included weather-related problems, power outages, no heat, and construction issues. Each of […]

Peter DeHaan News

Hear Guest Peter DeHaan on the We Are Saved Podcast

Check Out This New Christian Podcast I listen to a lot of podcasts. And I started a podcast over a decade ago. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. After a dozen or so episodes I ran out of time. Yet my interest in the medium never waned. For me, the […]

Personal Posts

Gadgets to Go

What perplexes me, however, are the security questions—they are either too simple or too hard. Packing My Gadgets First, I had my camera and the associated paraphernalia—spare battery, charger, data cable, and extra memory card. Since I was attending as a photojournalist, my camera was a requisite tool. Next was the computer with all its […]

Personal Posts

Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices

I have owned and enjoyed an iPod Nano for many years. Though I don’t use it much for music, it is a regular source for listening to podcasts and lectures. Almost from the start, however, I’ve encountered intermittent difficulty in turning it off. There are some tricks to accomplish this posted online, but they only […]