Bible Insights

Aristarchus Suffers for His Faith

Learn More about Aristarchus Another of Paul’s friends, mentioned in his letter to Philemon, is Aristarchus. We first hear of him in Acts. We learn that he is a Macedonian from Thessalonica who is traveling with Paul on one of his missionary journeys. Later, when Paul is sent to Rome as a prisoner, faithful Aristarchus […]

Bible Insights

Demas, the Deserter

Learn More about Demas Whereas John-Mark had an early collapse and then made a comeback, Demas started strong but ended in failure. He began well. In Paul’s letter to Philemon, Demas is called a co-worker and in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, Demas sends his greetings. Clearly he was involved with Paul’s ministry in a […]

Bible Insights

Lessons from the Life of John Mark

Learn More about John Mark There is an interesting story that begins in Acts 13. From it we can learn about the life of John Mark. God tells the church to commission and send out Barnabas and Paul to other cities, telling the people they meet about Jesus. They do this, taking with them John […]

Bible Insights

Be Ready to Speak

Paul’s First Sermon The fifth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 13:13-52 (specifically, Acts 13:16-41 & 46-47) Setting: The synagogue in Antioch Speaker: Paul Audience: Jews and God-fearing Gentiles (likely converts to Judaism) Preceding Events: Paul is merely present at the Sabbath service and invited to speak Overall Theme: Paul connects the life of […]

Bible Insights

Warn One Another in Love

Consider What the Bible Says and How to Apply It I’ve talked about the need for theological diversity in our churches. While we need to embrace those who hold different understandings of Jesus, we perhaps need to adopt a separate view of the behaviors of people who live contrary to God’s word. Or maybe not. […]

Bible Insights

Paul Cleverly Connects with the People of Athens

Paul Preaches in Athens The sixth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 17:16-34 (specifically Acts 17:22-31). This one is to the people of Athens. Setting: In Athens, a meeting at the Areopagus Speaker: Paul Audience: The people of Athens (non-Jews) Preceding Events: The Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, who were debating with Paul about his […]

Bible Insights

Paul’s Words Stir up the Crowd

The Jews React to Paul’s Message The eighth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 21:27-22:30 (specifically Acts 22:3-21), where Paul’s words stir up the crowd, all because they don’t like what he says. Setting: Jerusalem, in the temple Speaker: Paul Audience: A mob and a few Roman soldiers Preceding Events: Some Jews from Asia […]

Bible Insights

Obey God Regardless: Paul Speaks to the Elders in Ephesus

Paul Sermon in Ephesus The seventh sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 20:16-37 (specifically Acts 20:18-35). Setting: Miletus Speaker: Paul Audience: Elders from the church of Ephesus Preceding Events: Paul, compelled by the Holy Spirit, is steadfastly traveling to Jerusalem. Overall Theme: Paul gives his personal testimony (he has worked hard for God, has […]

Bible Insights

Paul Talks about Resurrection from the Dead

Paul Talks to Felix The ninth sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 24:1-27 (specifically Acts 24:10-21). Paul gives his testimony and talks about his belief in the resurrection from the dead. Setting: A hearing before Felix in Caesarea Speaker: Paul Audience: Felix (the governor and judge), Jews, and Ananias and Tertullus, Paul’s accusers. Preceding […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Gives Us Eight Things to Think About

As Followers of Jesus We Must Focus Our Attention Paul encourages the church in Philippi to focus their thoughts (Philippians 4:8). We should do this too. But what should we think about? Fortunately, Paul gives us a list. We are to pursue these ideas. Think about Whatever is True First, we should dwell on the […]