Bible Insights

God is Love

In the Old Testament of the Bible we read the command to “fear God.” In the New Testament we read “God is Love.” How can we fear someone who is loving? Is it even possible to do? Is there a difference between fearing God in the Old Testament and a God of love in the […]

Bible Insights

Free Will and Predestination

Embrace the Paradox of Choice versus Destiny A theological conundrum is the concept of free will versus predestination. While the Bible teaches that we have the ability to make our own choices (we have free will), it also says that things are predetermined (predestined). Which is it? It is both, presenting us with a delightful […]

Bible Insights

Jesus is God’s Child and So Are We

The Bible says that Jesus is God’s one and only son. However, God also calls the church his children. How can we be God’s children if he has only one son? Although the Bible is full of paradoxes—which are hard for modern people to accept but not so difficult for post-modern people and certainly not […]

Bible Insights

Jesus Knew and I Don’t

In continuing with the story of Jesus driving the demon out of the mute man there’s an interesting phrase. It is “Jesus knew their thoughts.” (In another account about Jesus, the Bible says, “Jesus knew what they were thinking.”) This suggests a divine power as being a part of Jesus’ human existence. Perhaps this is […]

Christian Living

The Spirituality of Giving

When it comes to giving to others there are two schools of thought. One is to give to whoever asks and the other is to be good stewards of the resources God has given us. The problem is, both of these are taught in the Bible, so which is it? The answer, as with many […]

Bible Insights

Did Daniel Need to Ask God to Rescue the People?

Another Thought about Predestination Another curious thing with Daniel’s prayer is that he may not have even needed to make it. After all, God, through Jeremiah, foretold that the nation would be in captivity for 70 years and then return. The seventy years are about up; it is time to go home. God decreed it, […]

Bible Insights

Is God Like a Hard Man?

Doctor Luke records a parable of Jesus. It is about a nobleman who, before going on a journey, entrusts three servants with varying amounts of money to invest for him. He is a “hard man.” The first two invest their amounts and earn a good return, apparently doubling their stakes. The third, however, to whom […]

Bible Insights

Do You Want Justice or Mercy?

Do You Want Justice or Mercy? I have a friend who pursues justice; she wants everything to be fair. The bad thing about absolute justice is that it leaves no room for mercy. In many ways, justice and mercy are opposites: In a paradox of Godly proportions, God is both fully just yet full of […]

Bible Insights

Praise God or Fear God?

Praise God or Fear God? After Jesus performs a miracle—healing a paralytic man—the people were fearful of God, yet full of praise at the same time (this precise wording is not apparent in all translations—see the New Living Translation or the Amplified Bible). Although it seems like a paradox to simultaneously fear God and praise […]