Bible Insights

Can the God of Creation Control the Sun?

Justifying the Bible ThroughHuman Reasoning Limits God’s Power As Joshua leads the nation of Israel into the promised land, they defeat Gibeon in a most amazing battle. Though Joshua’s army does its part, God plays an even bigger role. He orchestrates a hailstorm that pelts the Gibeon army with huge hailstones, killing many of them, […]

Bible Insights

God Answers Prayer

Take a Look at Prayer from the Almighty’s Perspective In the post, The Implications of Omnipotence, I noted that there is nothing that an all-powerful God can’t do, yet, not every prayer is answered—at least not the way we think it should be. Let’s consider how God answers prayer. Before we criticize God, however, consider: […]

Bible Insights

Job’s Conclusion

A common lament of Job throughout the story bearing his name is his begging God to answer his pleas. However, it seems that Job (and his friends) are too busy talking to give God a chance. When God does respond, Job’s friends are rebuffed, and Job’s righteousness is affirmed. Now we can read Job’s conclusion […]

Christian Living

The Mystery of God

If We Can Fully Understand God, Then He’s Not a Very Great God Some people are confused when they hear about Jesus or read the Bible. Because they don’t fully understand everything, they dismiss him, waiting until everything makes sense. It never will. At least not during our existence here on earth. This is the […]

Bible Insights

Let’s Not Forget Who’s in Charge

Good and Evil are Not Equal and Opposite Forces In Revelation we read about the dragon and the beast, a great battle, and the tribulation the whole world faces. The Beast Embedded in the middle of this epic tale, we see a curious revelation. John writes that the beast is given power to wage war […]

Bible Insights

Do You Believe that God Can Raise the Dead?

Jesus Rose from the Dead and So Did Many Others In Acts chapter 26, the prisoner Paul makes his defense before King Agrippa. Basically Paul recaps key moments of his life and turns his testimony into a sermon. This must make King Agrippa squirm, because he pushes back, asking if Paul expects him to become […]

Christian Living

The Bible Uncovers the Spiritual Realm for Us

We Get a Glimpse into the Spiritual Realm Through Scripture We live in a physical realm. In our physical world, we experience it with our senses. We see things, touch things, and hear, taste, and smell things. Through our senses, we experience our physical reality. However, there’s also a spiritual aspect of our existence, which […]

Bible Insights

The Implications of Omnipotence

In my post “Omni God,” I mentioned that, among other things, God is “omnipotent.” This means that God possesses unlimited strength and has universal power and authority. God’s Omnipotence The word omnipotent occurs in Amplified Bible, but most translations use “almighty” instead, often in the form of a proper name, as in the Almighty, God […]

Christian Living

God is Omni

There are three words that are commonly used to describe God; they all begin with “omni.” The three “omni” words reveal truth about God’s character and nature. The prefix “omni” means all, so these words tell us that God is all present, all knowing, and all powerful. God’s “omni” nature surely provides something us something […]

Bible Insights

Omni God

3 Attributes of God There are three words that are commonly used to describe God; they all begin with “omni.” Omnipresent Present everywhere simultaneously Omnipotent Unlimited power or authority Omniscient Total knowledge; knowing everything The prefix “omni” means all, so the three “omni” words that reveal God’s character and nature, succinctly tell us that God […]