Christian Living

How Do We Give to God?

The Bible Says to Give to Caesar What is Caesar’s and to God What is God’s While there is no biblical command to give 10 percent of our income to the local church, that doesn’t mean we should ignore giving. Jesus’s detractors try to trick him into saying something condemnable about paying taxes. They figure […]

Christian Living

What is Your Greatest Accomplishment?

At church a few weeks ago we were asked a question, “What is your greatest accomplishment?” We were supposed to write it down on a piece of paper. As a writer you would think I would be good at such things, but since I do all my writing in solitude, with as few distractions as […]

Bible Insights

Contemplating Cain and His Gift to God

The account of Cain is well-known. The Bible records his story as the world’s first murderer. It is out of jealousy—and possibly premeditated—that Cain kills his brother, Abel. But what are the events that lead up to this tragedy? Cain and Abel each bring an offering to God. Abel’s is accepted but Cain’s isn’t. There […]

Bible Insights

The World’s First Murder

Cain and his younger brother Abel both gave offerings to God. This was well before the life of Moses and the laws that God gave to him, therefore, there was no requirement to give an offering.  In fact, there was not even a precedent for doing so.  Cain and Abel’s offerings were the first ones recorded […]