Bible Insights

Burnt Offering

Offer a Male Without Defect Leviticus is a book that most people tend to skip. At best, they skim it. Leviticus gives meticulous details about how God expects his people to worship him. It involves a lot of animal sacrifices—blood, guts, and death—something we find off-putting and foreign. Yet Leviticus also offers us much insight […]

Christian Living

What Should Our Pastors Expect from Us?

We Must Give Our Spiritual Leaders Our Support The post “What Should We Expect from Our Pastors?” looks at the wrong expectations too many parishioners place on their ministers. Now let’s look at the ways we should support our spiritual leaders, the things our ministers deserve to receive from us. Pray for Them We should […]

Visiting Churches

The Church with Good Music

Waiting for the Service to Start I volunteer at a budget program where I teach classes and encourage people to manage their finances, unlearn bad money-handling habits, and dig out of debt. It’s a biblically based program, and it meets at a local church, which is also today’s destination. In the brief time I’ve been […]

Visiting Churches

The Nonconventional Church

Locked Out We head for a church that meets in an office complex, using space provided by an adoption agency. A former coworker of Candy’s is the teaching elder there. Another of her friends recently started attending this nonconventional church. The thought of knowing someone at church is a powerful pull. Lacking a website, they […]

Bible Insights

Does God Receive Our Actions as a Memorial Offering?

Cornelius is a commander in the Roman army; he’s also a man of faith, who prays often and gives to the poor. One day, during his afternoon prayers, he has a vision. An angel appears to him and says that God has received his prayers and gifts as a memorial offering. Imagine that. God sees […]

Visiting Churches

The Megachurch

Navigating Big Our son and daughter-in-law’s Sunday plans change abruptly one Sunday morning. We scramble to find a church to visit. Not just any church—that would be easy—but a church fitting our search criteria. However, we’ve not yet given it much thought. With little time to plan and most services already in progress, we need […]

Christian Living

How Much Money Does the Church Need?

We Must Be Good Stewards of All That God Blesses Us With The Old Testament church required a lot of financial support to keep it going. There was a tabernacle to build and transport. The temple later replaced the tabernacle, but it required regular maintenance. The priests and Levites received support too. This huge need […]

Christian Living

Embrace a Fresh Perspective about Having a Church Building

We Don’t Need a Church Building to Encounter God or Enjoy Spiritual Community So far, we’ve looked at the Old Testament model for church—of building, paid clergy, and tithes—which we still follow today. Then we considered how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament and looked at how the early church functions in the New Testament, considering […]

Visiting Churches

Faith Promise Sunday: Church #63

When my wife started a new job, she learned one of her coworkers goes to a church near the one we normally attend. With a non-church sounding name, I’m intrigued. We decide to visit. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #63. 1. As we drive to this church, I’m so glad for a reprieve […]

Visiting Churches

We Don’t Need No Sermon: Visiting Church #63

A few months ago, my wife started a new job. One of her coworkers goes to a church near the one we normally attend. “I’d like to visit it sometime,” she says, catching me off guard. With a non-church sounding name, I’m intrigued.  Her openness to go there surprises me. “Are you looking to change […]