Bible Insights

Obadiah Proclaims Justice

Prophecy about Edon The book of Obadiah in the Bible contains a prophecy about the nation of Edom. Among other things, Edom is criticized for their pride. The primary issue, however, is not what they did, but what they didn’t do. Theirs is not an act of commission, but of omission. Specially, the gripe that […]

Peter DeHaan News

Book about the Minor Prophets

Book 4 in the Dear Theophilus Series You may know about the prophet Jonah, the guy who spent a three-day time-out in the belly of a large fish, but what about some of the lesser-known prophets? Do you know of Micah, Obadiah, or Malachi? What about Nahum, Zephaniah, or Zechariah? Oh, my! The list goes […]

Bible Insights

Posts about the Minor Prophets

For the past several months, most of the ABibleADay posts have been about the minor prophets. Recall that they are called minor not because their prophecy is insignificant, but because their books are short! Though more posts may be added in the future, there are no more planned at this time. See all posts about […]

Bible Insights

What Was the Error of Edom?

“As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.” Obadiah Said The short book of Obadiah is a stinging rebuke to the nation of Edom, not for what they overtly did, but for what they did indirectly: for a failure to act, for smug attitudes, and […]