Visiting Churches

Something’s Missing at This Church

Discussing Church 16 This nondenominational church meets in a public school auditorium. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #16:  1. Renting space saves the church from purchasing and maintaining a facility.  Whether you own your building or rent space, how can you maximize your outreach and better impact your community? 2. They use more […]

Visiting Churches

An Outlier Church

Discussing Church 15 Their website says we’ll find “a laid-back, coffeehouse atmosphere” with “an unconventional setting where a blend of people, of all ages, from all walks of life, can gather and feel at home.” This is my kind of church. It’s an outlier church in a mainline denomination. Consider these four discussion questions about […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #2: Size is the Enemy of Friendly

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #2. Visiting this church, a newer, accessible, nondenominational gathering, was as easy as Church #1 was challenging. Here, there were no awkward situations or outdated practices. We felt comfortable and at […]

Visiting Churches

A Different Venue (Visiting Church #16)

The church we visited this Sunday is a nondenominational gathering that meets in a public school auditorium. In some parts of the United States it’s unheard of for a church to meet in a government building, but in our area, it is not. Though some would overreach, citing a need for “separation of church and […]

Visiting Churches

Growing Deeper (Visiting Church #2)

This Sunday we visit a nondenominational church. It’s three years old and I know a bit about it and its pastor, who I perceive as a mostly postmodern guy possessing a modern theology. I suspect the church will mirror that. Located in a small strip mall, I find a parking spot near the door. Only […]