Visiting Churches

Suffering from a Bad Reputation: Church #69

On my list of seven churches is a church from a small conservative denomination. I’ve never met anyone who currently goes to one of this denomination’s churches, but I have met people who used to go there. Consider three discussion questions about Church 69, a small conservative denomination. 1. These people left this church bruised […]

Visiting Churches

An Urban Church with a Mission: Discussion Questions

The website of this urban church says they’re a multi-racial, multi-socio-economic relational community, where the homeless worship and support one another. I anticipate meeting people of other races and expect a service relevant to its inner-city neighborhood. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 68. 1. As we approach the building, others carry crockpots. Looks […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions for the Satellite Church: Church #67

We’re off to visit another church, this time with family, the first visit for everyone. When they opened two years ago, they conducted a smart direct-mail campaign to the community. They’re a portable church that meets at a nearby middle school. Consider these discussion questions about Church 67. 1. The church is three-quarters of a […]

Visiting Churches

A Spirit-Led Service: Visiting Church #66, Part 2

Several months later we have a chance for a return visit to this same church. The opportunity to experience a normal service with their regular pastor should provide the chance to experience what we missed the first time.  I hope to experience a spirit-led service. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 66. 1. The […]

Visiting Churches

Evidence of the Holy Spirit: Church #66, part 1

Valued friends invite us to visit their church, which “operates in the gifts of the Spirit.” My background is not charismatic, but I relish the opportunity to experience Holy Spirit power and bask in God’s presence.  Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 66 and evidence of the Holy Spirit. 1. Many churches talk about […]

Visiting Churches

Prayer Teams at Church #65

I met one of this church’s staff at a speaker’s conference. As we talked about the church’s belief in the present-day power of the Holy Spirit, that same Holy Spirit nudged me to visit. At last, we will. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 65. 1. Inside is a bustle of activity, which beckons […]

Visiting Churches

Mother’s Day, Ascension Sunday, & Baby Dedications

This nontypical, nondenominational church enjoys a good amount of positive local buzz. Today is Mother’s Day. I’m apprehensive because visiting a church on a holiday never provides a typical experience. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 64. 1. Two young women at the entrance to the parking lot smile and wave as we pull […]

Visiting Churches

Faith Promise Sunday: Church #63

When my wife started a new job, she learned one of her coworkers goes to a church near the one we normally attend. With a non-church sounding name, I’m intrigued. We decide to visit. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #63. 1. As we drive to this church, I’m so glad for a reprieve […]

Visiting Churches

A Church on Every Corner: Discussing Church #62

It’s a nondenominational church plant, with the sending congregation residing several states away. It’s curious that an out-of-state church would launch a ministry in an area noted for its religious reputation, with “a church on every corner.”  Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #62, in an area that seems to have a church on […]

Visiting Churches

Discussing Church #61: Visiting Church by Myself 

Many Sundays we’ve driven by this church, noting a three-quarters-full lot for their first service and a packed one for their second. While church size doesn’t impress me and growth may be misleading, both can signal spiritual vitality. I’m intrigued. Today, I’ll be visiting church by myself. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #61. 1. […]