Christian Living

How to Find a Mentor

Mentoring Can Help Us Grow in Our Faith and Increase Our Impact People sometimes ask me to mentor them. I’m honored that they ask. I want to say yes. Instead, I decline as respectfully as I can. Why? It’s because God hasn’t called me to be a mentor—at least not in the traditional sense. He’s […]

Bible Insights

Blessed to be a Blessing

God Blesses Us So That We Can Be a Blessing to Others God wants to bless us. He loves us and wants to give us his best. This idea of blessing occurs throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, God often ties his blessings to the people’s obedience and to the attitudes of their hearts. […]

Bible Insights

God Gives Us Parents to Teach and Instruct Us

We Will Do Well to Listen to the Advice of Those God Sends to Guide Us King Solomon opens the book of Proverbs extolling the value of wisdom and the importance of receiving wise instruction, which starts with a reverence for God. After establishing this opening premise, Solomon begins his instruction to his son—and to […]

Christian Living

Do You Have a Spiritual Role Model?

Having a Spiritual Role Model Is a Great Goal, but It’s Not Always Possible Who is your spiritual role model? Who do you look up to or strive to emulate? I can point to several biblical characters I admire. I attempt to follow their positive characteristics. I can also list some nonbiblical individuals from history […]

Christian Living

Do You Have a Spiritual Mentor?

Everyone needs someone to help him or her navigate the throes of life. As John Donne said, “No man is an island, entire to itself.” In truth, we cannot survive alone. We need others to walk along side of us. Every one needs help at some time, whether we admit it or not. Such is […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Mentoring Millennials

Shaping the Next Generation By Dr. Daniel Egeler (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Mentoring Millennials: Shaping the Next Generation is ideal for anyone mentoring those in the Millennial generation. (Sometimes called Generation Y, the Millennial generation consists of those born after 1982 and whose parents are baby boomers.) The book opens with a compelling call to […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Dallas and the Spitfire

An Old Car, An Ex-con, and An Unlikely Friendship By Ted Kluck and Dallas Jahncke (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)With a sordid past and running out of options, ex-con and former addict Dallas Jahncke acquiesces to enter a drug rehabilitation program at a homeless shelter, one with a Christian perspective. In addition to avoiding more jail […]