Bible Insights

The King of the Jews

The Magi Visit Jesus Matthew 2:1–2 “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) Now let’s focus on the Magi who come to visit Jesus. Matthew is the only writer in Scripture who mentions them. First, we must dispel some common misconceptions that come to us from the classic […]

Christian Living

Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas Too

Segregating the Two Sides of Christmas Is Christmas an important holiday to you? I suspect you’ll say, “yes.” And if you follow Jesus, you may say Christmas is the most important holiday because it celebrates his birth some 2,000 years ago. That’s when Jesus came to earth to live among us and die in our […]

Bible Insights

Celebrate the Coming of Jesus

Prepare Your Heart for the Savior This Christmas Most Christians and their churches celebrate Christmas to commemorate Jesus coming to earth as a baby. And many build up to Christmas by observing Advent—the time that precedes our Savior’s birth. This book, The Advent of Jesus, is designed to guide us in this important season as […]

Christian Living

The Purpose of Christmas

For people who follow Jesus, Christmas is a time to celebrate his birth. Yet Christmas is under attack. Some want to turn it into Xmas, others try to band its mention, and others say it doesn’t matter because we’ve already sufficiently removed Jesus from it. The reaction from Christ-followers is understandable, but the battle is […]