Christian Living

The Roman Catholic Church is Not the Enemy

Martin Luther Supported the Roman Catholic Church and Did Not Want to Leave Her The name of Martin Luther remains unknown to most in the Roman Catholic Church, and many of those who know of him blame him for dividing Christianity and causing disunity. Yet remember Martin was a Catholic. He tried to bring about […]

Christian Living

The Latter Years of Martin Luther

Martin Luther Wanted to Work Within the Church to Bring About Change but They Kicked Him Out Martin Luther intended to work out his ninety-five theses within the Church leadership. However, once the masses read and heard them in their own language—through no fault of Martin’s—an internal Church discussion became impossible. A revolution brewed. The […]

Christian Living

The Excommunicated Martin Luther Gets Married

Luther Saw Marriage, Not Celibacy Vows, as the Preferred Option for Most Clergy As Martin Luther’s ordeal wore on, he eventually left the castle where he was hiding. He returned to Wittenberg, some five years after he posted his ninety-five theses. Though still a wanted man, some powerful people offered him a degree of protection, […]

Visiting Churches

High Church (Visiting Church #17)

The church has a contemporary service followed by a traditional one; we attend both. A Lutheran congregation, I expect a high-church experience (more formal and liturgical). However, their idea of contemporary is far different from mine. Their music is modern, yet shrouded in formality. Reading from the lectionary, we stand for the third passage, this […]

Christian Living

Jesus Offers a Prayer for Unity

The last thing that Jesus did as a free man was to pray. The last thing in prayed for was that his future followers would get along. This strongly suggests that unity was important to Jesus. While unity among his followers was largely realized in the first century that has not been the case in […]