Christian Living

10 More New Testament Practices, Part 2

Examine What the Early Church Did and Apply It In part one of this post we looked at the first five practices of the early church as detailed in the Bible. They relied on Holy Spirit power, they worshiped God, they spent time in prayer, they fasted, and they lived in community. Here are the […]

Christian Living

Discover What the Bible Says about How to Treat One Another

Apply These Biblical Tips on How to Value Others Throughout the New Testament we see instructions of how we should treat one another. Let’s call these the “one another” directives. We are to: The last two of these one-another commands come from the mouth of Jesus. The rest of them are in the letters written […]

Christian Living

Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament

He Becomes the Ultimate Sin Sacrifice Jesus fulfills the Old Testament, but today’s church still follows the Old Testament model for church: we have a church building where we go to worship God, hire a minister who represents the Almighty to us, and take a collection to support the whole thing. This is not what […]

Bible Insights

Four Lessons from Job about Devotion to God

Job Professes His Spiritual Practices The words of Job’s friend Eliphaz fail to comfort him. Instead they stir up anger. With a friend who speaks like Eliphaz I’d be angry too. In Job’s reply to his so-called friend, he professes what he has done to align himself with God. He claims his practices prove his […]

Bible Insights

Reflections From the Book of Job

Here is a trio of thoughts from the book of Job: What Job Feared Most Happened to Him The enemy (that is Satan, the devil) knew Job’s fears and exploited them. Although everyone fears something, we are best advised to turn our fears over to God and not dwell on them. Job Believed that Through […]

Bible Insights

Who Are We to Judge? We May Have It Backwards

Though the Bible Tells Us to Judge, Who We’re Supposed to Judge May Shock You When Paul writes to his friends in Corinth, he has much to say because they struggle with many things, including judging others. He spends a whole chapter in his first letter addressing sin within their assembly: sexual sin, specifically incest. […]

Christian Living

Help One Another

We Must Be Willing to Share Our Concerns If We Hope to Receive Help One of my newsletter subscribers emailed me with a question. He wants to do what the Bible says about loving one another (such as in 1 John 3:11). He’s willing to sacrifice to meet the needs of his brothers and sisters […]

Christian Living

What Are Spiritual Gifts?

God Equips Us to Grow His Kingdom The Bible talks about “gifts of the Spirit,” which we commonly call spiritual gifts (not to be confused with spiritual disciplines). Paul teaches about spiritual gifts extensively in his first letter to the church in Corinth. But what are spiritual gifts? Here’s what we can learn from him. […]

Christian Living

Immerse Yourself in the Bible

Meditate On God’s Word by Reading a Passage Over and Over I advocate reading the Bible every day. To make the most out of it requires a plan, such as reading through the Bible in the year. I do this often, but sometimes I want to slow down and focus on a specific text. It’s […]

Christian Living

Do We Need to Obey God?

Doing What the Bible Says Isn’t a Requirement but a Response In the post about how to be saved we realized there’s nothing we need to do (or can do) to earn our salvation; it’s a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). This means we don’t need to first obey God before he accepts us. He […]