Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 20

Some Still Will Not Repent Today’s passage: Revelation 9 Focus verse: The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands. (Revelation 9:20) After the opening of the scroll’s seventh and final seal, seven angels receive seven trumpets. The first four have already blown their […]

Bible Insights

What Will We Promise God When We’re in a Crisis?

Will We Follow Through When the Pressure’s Off? God’s chosen people toil as slaves in Egypt. He tasks Moses with getting them out. So far things aren’t going so well. God has sent seven plagues to get the Pharaoh’s attention, without achieving the people’s release. Plague number eight is on its way: Locusts. An army […]

Bible Insights

Joel and the Locust

The book of Joel is classified as one of the Bible’s prophetic books, as it contains a foretelling of the future. After multiple reads, however, this short, 3-chapter book begins to emerge more as poetry than prophecy, revealing multiple levels of meaning awaiting the patient reader to unveil and discover. The name of the book […]