Bible Insights

The Thirty-Seven Parables of Jesus

Jesus Uses Narrative to Inform Us About His Father’s Kingdom Jesus uses parables—“an earthly story with a heavenly meaning,” as I learned in Sunday school—to teach us about the kingdom of God. We are part of the kingdom of God, and we need to do a better job of acting like it. Since Jesus talks […]

Christian Living

Why Did Jesus Use Parables and What Do They Tell Us?

The Bible Records Jesus’s Parables to Explain the Kingdom of God Jesus talks a lot about the kingdom of God and hardly ever mentions church. This suggests church may be our idea and not his. Perhaps Jesus just wants us to be part of the kingdom of God and church doesn’t matter so much. Seriously. […]

Christian Living

12 Key Truths about the Kingdom of God

Consider the Kingdom of God as the Ultimate Church Model To guide how we should function as his followers today, we must consider what Jesus says about the kingdom of God. Here are twelve key truths about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God: 1. Is Close A dozen times or more Jesus proclaims […]

Christian Living

When and Where is the Kingdom of God?

Is the Kingdom of God Our Future in Heaven or Our Present Reality on Earth? The Bible often talks about the Kingdom of God, sixty-eight times in all (in the NIV). Five biblical authors—Mark, Luke, John, and Paul—cover this topic in ten of the New Testament’s books. Luke writes the most about the kingdom of […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: A Spirituality of Fundraising

A Spirituality of Fundraising By Henri J. M. Nouwen (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Based on a speech Henri Nouwen gave in 1992, this book is the eventual outcome. In it, Henri challenges us to consider the spiritual aspects of raising money for Christian service and outreach opportunities. It should not be an unpleasant reality but […]

Bible Insights

What Good is a Little Bit of Yeast?

I did a word study on the usage of yeast in the Bible. Here is what I found: Yeast is used symbolically to represent influence, usually negatively.  Just as a little bit of yeast, permeates dough and produces a noticeable result, so to does influence, be it good or bad. [Check out where these references […]