Bible Insights

Do As I Do

Gideon Tells His Men to Follow His Example Just before Gideon goes to battle, he tells his men to “watch me,” “follow my lead,” and “do exactly what I do.” His men do and God uses their collective actions to throw the enemy into complete confusion. As a result, a great victory is won. Gideon’s actions […]

Bible Insights

Micah: The Anti-Hero

A curious fellow in the book of Judges is Micah (not to be confused with the prophet Micah who lived many centuries later and has a book of the Bible named after him). This Micah, with two chapters surrounding him, is not listed as a judge and does not lead the people to overthrow their […]

Bible Insights

The Bible’s Most Questionable Judge

An Unnamed Levite Goes Wild If Judge Deborah is the reluctant hero and Micah is the anti-hero, then the final character listed in the book of Judges might be viewed as a questionable hero. This judge, a Levite whose name is not given, has a dubious set of morals and a morose method of getting […]

Bible Insights

The Honor for the Victory Goes to a Woman

Barak Chickens Out and Insists Judge Deborah Goes with Him The book of Judges is a colorful read about some strange characters. Except for Judge Deborah, all the other judges in this book are male. That makes Deborah unique. Perhaps that’s why I like her so much, even more so than the better-known Gideon and […]

Bible Insights

Deborah, the Judge and Hero

Judge Deborah Judge Deborah was a reluctant hero. Deborah, also a prophetess, received instructions from God to relay to Barak. His mission was to lead a battle against their oppressors. When she shared this with Barak, he balked (as did Moses, Jonah, Gideon, and many others when God called them to a task). Barak didn’t […]

Bible Insights

God Talks to Gideon and Us

Discover More about Gideon Another familiar character in the book of Judges is Gideon. There are three whole chapters devoted to him. He is a fearful man who is at first cautious of God’s call. But eventually he does fully obey what God says to do. There are three initial things that God tells him, […]

Bible Insights

The Victory and Despair of Jephthah

Another judge, who is prominently noted in the book of Judges is Jephthah. Jephthah, the son of a prostitute which doesn’t say much for his dad was exiled from his people. However, when they became oppressed by a foreign power, they turned to him, asking for his help. Eventually he agreed to their petition, doing […]

Bible Insights

Leadership Lessons from the Book of Judges

The People Did as They Saw Fit in the Book of Judges; Things Aren’t Much Different Today The book of Judges is a curious one, containing some really questionable content, especially toward the end of the book. The judges it highlights are a colorful bunch, some exhibiting quite dubious behavior. It boils down to leadership […]

Bible Insights

Who are the Other Judges?

So far, we have covered seven of the 15 judges mentioned in the book of Judges. They are the more commonly known judges, merely because there is more written about them. That leaves eight remaining judges, for whom very little is known. Often their entire life is summarized in just a couple of verses. They […]

Bible Insights

Abimelech: A Failure

One of Gideon’s sons was Abimelech. It is arguable if Abimelech should be counted as a judge. If so, he would be classified as a failure, for he violently seized power, did not fight for or liberate his people from foreign powers, but instead fought internally, with much loss of life as a result—including his […]