Bible Insights

Can the God of Creation Control the Sun?

Justifying the Bible ThroughHuman Reasoning Limits God’s Power As Joshua leads the nation of Israel into the promised land, they defeat Gibeon in a most amazing battle. Though Joshua’s army does its part, God plays an even bigger role. He orchestrates a hailstorm that pelts the Gibeon army with huge hailstones, killing many of them, […]

Bible Insights

Should Church Be a Safe Place, Like a City of Refuge, in the Bible?

If We Don’t Protect the Innocent from Retribution, Who Will? God tells Joshua to establish cities of refuge, a safe place for people to seek sanctuary. The specific context is that a city of refuge is a place for people to go if they accidentally kill someone. Once these people make it to the city […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Rahab

Learn about Rahab Rahab is a prostitute who two spies stay with when they scope out Jericho. We don’t know if they seek her for her services, or if they merely want to get out of public view. When the king of Jericho commands Rahab to turn the men over to him, she commits treason. […]

Bible Insights

How Soon They Forget God and the Things He Told Them to Do

So, Moses receives ten commandments from God and teaches them to the people. God gives other directions and instructions, too, which Moses also passes on. But the people begin to disregard and forget God and what he told them to do. This displeases him, so eventually, he sends a series of wake-up calls, first in […]

Bible Insights

Disobedience Can Have Long-Term Consequences

When God Tells Us to Do Something He Has a Reason and We Should Obey After Joshua leads the people of Israel into the Promised Land and takes control of it, he divides the territory among the tribes. Though they have conquered enough of the area to occupy it, remnants of other people, such as […]

Bible Insights

Moses Died and Then Good Things Happen

The book of Joshua opens by confirming the death of Moses, followed by a curious instruction: Now you go into the Promised Land. Imagine that, an entire nation was put on hold, unable to move—until Moses died. Moses had to die for them to receive what God had promised to give them. What if Moses […]