Christian Living

The Wife of Jesus

Celebrating the Bride of Christ Did Jesus have a wife? The answer is “Yes!” Most assuredly, Jesus had a wife. However, before you accuse me of heresy, let me admit this is a misleading question, a twist of semantics Yes, Jesus did have a wife and does have a wife, but she is not a […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Revolution

By George Barna (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In Revolution, Christian futurist, George Barna deftly and convincingly communicates that our world is on the leading edge of a revolution—and that virtually everyone is oblivious to it. Barna states that “this revolution of faith is the most significant transition you or I will experience during our lifetime,” […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: So, Who Is This Jesus?

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan So, Who Is This Jesus?” is a made-for-TV production that provides an accurate overview of the main events of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible — in 48 minutes. In narrative form and shot in Israel, the production includes a few basic re-enactments of historical events, but mostly shows […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan The Passion of the Christ portrays the final day of Jesus’ (James Caviezel) life, with ample flashbacks to happier times spent with his mother, friends, and disciples. The main storyline closely follows the Bible record and dramatically shows the physical terror and suffering that Jesus endured so that mankind could have […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan A hippy-styled acting troupe steps off their bus in the Israeli desert to perform a rock opera about the last days of Jesus, as seen through the eyes of Judas. Being a traitor, it is not surprising that Judas gets a few things wrong and possesses a skewed sense of his […]

Bible Insights

Sealed Scrolls in the Bible

Jesus Opens the Scroll In Isaiah’s prophecy, there’s a reference to words in a scroll. But no one can read the contents because the scroll is sealed. Later, God tells Daniel to take the words of his prophecy and seal it in a scroll until the end of time. In Revelation, God gives John a […]

Bible Insights

The End Is Near…or Maybe Not

Jesus says nobody knows when the world will end. Later on Paul confirms no one knows when Jesus will return (therefore signaling the start of the end). It will happen unexpectedly, like a “thief in the night.” So if the Bible says no one knows, why do some preachers make their audacious predictions anyway? Adding […]

Bible Insights

It’s Not My Fault

We live in a society of blame. People shun taking responsibility for their mistakes and shortcomings. Instead they blame someone else: “It’s how I was raised,” “He talked me into it,” “It’s her fault not mine,” “If only I had a better education,” “I had no choice,” and so forth. In doing so, they fail […]

Bible Insights

Jesus is God’s Child and So Are We

The Bible says that Jesus is God’s one and only son. However, God also calls the church his children. How can we be God’s children if he has only one son? Although the Bible is full of paradoxes—which are hard for modern people to accept but not so difficult for post-modern people and certainly not […]

Bible Insights

Is God Mad At Us?

The phrase “the Lord’s anger” occurs 29 times in the Bible. Is God an angry god, frequently mad at us for messing up? Does he enjoy punishing those who disappoint him? The answer is no. This phrase only appears in the Old Testament of the Bible (before Jesus) but not at all in the New […]